Most Noble House of Potter

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The first few days of school went by quite quickly. A certain group of students were studying together in the library. And the studying part only applied to two out of the five students. Remus and Lily. The other three were just messing around and scheming pranks for the year. If there going to be here for a year, might as well leave one hell of a year to remember for the other students.

As the days went on, the marauders found out more about the famous Weasley twins. They seem to be quite similar to them. There was one particular prank the marauders all mutually agreed to be their favorite, setting of fireworks during exams for their grand exit.

Even if it had been only a few days, the marauders have already gained quite a bit of popularity. Part of the reason being that their new, but the majority being their prank they played yesterday.

They'd made every single one of the professors at hogwarts transfigure into their patronus charm animals. When the teachers weren't looking, Peter transformed into his animagus form and poured the tonic into their breakfast drinks. Let's just say that everyone was practically crying with laughter after that.

Lily set her book down onto the table. "Guys? Why don't we try looking in here for any information about Harry?" she said in a hushed voice, making sure that only the marauders heard her.

And with that they started looking. Surprisingly, James was the first to find a book about Harry. He exclaimed, "Guys I found something!" They group came towards where James was standing, looking at the book that was sitting on the desk. The cover of the book read...

"The Most Noble House of Potter?" Lily questioned while looking at James. James smirked knowingly.

"All of the most ancient or noble houses have made a book about all of their family. The book magically grows a page every time a new family member is extended into the family tree. I wasn't sure we would be able to find a copy of these here, but I guess we could've."

The others gawked at the ridiculously thick book in front of them. The marauders knew of these books, but only Sirius really understood how large these books were.

Peter quietly laughed and turned to Sirius, "Padfoot, the book for your family probably isn't that long, considering that your family's full of incest."

Remus laughed at that, but quickly covered it with a cough. Although, everyone could tell he laughed. Sirius playfully glared at the boy and then put his attention back to the book.

"Well, aren't we going to open it?!"

James started flipping through pages, skipping a few unnecessary sections. "It'll be around here somewhere. Henry Potter, Fleamont, Euphemia, James, Lily... LILY POTTER" his voice became significantly louder when he saw Lily's name written on a page.




"you lot are so lucky I decided to place a silencing charm around us"

Everyone's face became alarmed. Lily froze when she saw a photo of herself, but a bit older.
She snatched the book away from James' hands and started to read out loud what was written in the book. "Lily Potter née Evans... Blood Status: Muggleborn... Wife of James Fleamont Potter..." she looked up to James, who was standing there in a state of shock.

Suddenly, he awoke from the shock he was formerly feeling and shouted. "I GOT EVANS"

"You're so luckily my Moony was smart enough to put a silencing charm around us."

Remus blushed at the fact that Sirius said 'my' before his nickname.

James continued to do his ridiculous celebratory dance while Lily just sighed and continued reading. "It shows my death information too..." The mood turned darker. James stopped his dancing and looked at his future wife in concern then back to the book.

Lily swallows the growing lump in her throat and started reading out loud the next part. "Lily Potter died in October 31st, Godric's Hollow, West Country, England, Great Britain. She died with her husband, James Potter that night, protecting her son, Harry Potter. Both of them were killed by the killing curse, which was produced by the wand belonging to Lord Voldemort..." Lily's voice as she read the name. Everyone's face was as pale as if they had just seen a basilisk in person.

James walked over to the girl and engulfed her in a comforting hug and to his surprise, she hugged back. The room tense and quiet for a minute. Peter walked up to the pair and hugged them. Sirius and Remus followed what the other had done. They were soon all in a group hug, comforting James and Lily, and wondering what had happened to the rest of them.

And by them, it didn't just mean Sirius, Remus, Peter. But also Mary, Marlene, Alice, Frank, Dorcas and so many of their other friends. All James and Lily hoped was that Harry had at least be left in good hands.

The last thing heard in the moment was Peter whispering quietly, "I don't want to lose you two."


This chapter is done and I do hope you enjoyed it.

I personally think that young Peter is precious. The older Peter can be eaten alive by dragons for all I care.

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