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After a class, the marauders, Lily, and Hermione join Harry and Sirius in their visit to the infirmary.

They walk into the familiar room and look around to find the boys. Hermione discreetly starts walking faster and quickly sits down by Ron's side before anyone else can.

Just as the group reached the two beds, Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Slughorn enter the room, walking to the same place that they were standing at.

"Minnie!" James exclaims, happy to see his favorite professor and maternal figure at Hogwarts.

"Mr. Po- Patterson, we're in the infirmary at the moment if you haven't noticed! There's students resting." McGonagall sternly replies back, although the woman feels a small smile creeping on her face at the nickname.

Professor Dumbledore examines Ron and Remus for a moment before saying, "Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using Bezoar. You should be very proud of your student, Horace."

Slughorn hums at the mention of his name, not being completely in tune to the conversation in front of him. Snapping out of his trance, he replies back, "Oh yes, very proud."

"I think we agree. Potter's actions were heroic. The question is, why were they necessary?" McGonagall says.

"I agree. This appears to be a gift, Horace. Don't remember who gave you this bottle?" Dumbledore adds whilst walking towards the man.

He grabs the bottle gently from the man. Waving the bottle around his nose. "By the way, this is remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry, and not polluted with poison."

He hands the bottle of mead to Severus, who continues to carefully examine the bottle that is now in his hands.

Slughorn responds to Dumbledore's words by saying, "Actually I intended to give it as a gift myself."

"To whom I might ask?"

Slughorn looks at the ground for a bit before replying, "To you, headmaster."

All the students who are watched the scene unfold, gape at their potions professor.

"Isn't it his job to identify poisons." Sirius mutters quietly under his breath, making sure nobody but him heard the words he just said.

The deafening silence was broken when a distance voice was heard approaching.

"Where's he?!? Where's my Won Won?"

Peter let's out a loud snort at the nickname.

Lavender comes running to Ron's side, breaths heavy, hair more messy from running.

"Here's your Won Won." Peter says in a high pitched voice, robotically gesturing to Ron's sleeping figure. Lavender ignores the boy and rambles on.

"Hashebeenaskingforme??!??" Lavender looks over to where Hermione is and narrows her eyes a bit but keeping her tone the same as it was, she asks, "What's she doing here?"

Hermione looks at the girl, with a bit of an offended look on her face. "I could ask you the same question!"

All the marauders, not including Remus who was sleeping, watch the scene unfold intently. James grabs a handful of popcorn that Sirius had accio-ed and shoved it in his mouth.

"Five Galleons Hermione wins the argument." Peter whispers to Sirius.

"That's so unfair! Hermione's obviously going to win." Sirius grumbles while crossing his arms like a child.

Peter stares at him with his palm stuck out, one eyebrow raising in expectance.

Sirius stares back at him for a moment and then mutters out. "Lavender better put on her big girl trousers for this fight."

Meanwhile Sirius and Peter were bickering, everyone had grew silent in order to hear something Ron was muttering in his sleep.

"He senses my presence. I'm here Won-Won. I'm here." Lavender says while leaning closer to Ron. Hermione furrows her eyebrows.

Another moment of silence passes, and then Ron says something again. "-her..."
Lavender gasps under her breath and dashes out of the infirmary with tears spilling out of her eyes as she went.

Peter looked at Sirius expectingly whispering to him. "Pay up."

"What? No. There wasn't even a fight to begin with."

Peter rolls his eyes at Sirius's words but silently agrees since Sirius was in fact correct. There wasn't even a fight. Getting bored of the situation, Peter walks out of the place in search for the kitchens.

"Hey, Wor- Oh- he's leaving... okay." James says.

Sirius walks over to Remus, sitting down on the stool by his bedside. He stared at the boy for a second and he says Remus's lips move up and down as if he was saying something.

Sirius shushes the lot who were talking too loud for him to hear what Remus was saying.

"" Remus's voice trails off as he falls into a trance of sleep once again. Sirius smiled widely at the words and whispers to him.

"Wrong person, love. Prongs is the one who steals the chocolate."

Just a cute little chapter to satisfy my heart.

I have so much work for school to do that it's exhausting, so i apologize if i don't update as often.

But, I got all a's score on all my tests and quizzes I've had this week. 😌😌 As i fucking should.


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