"Master Sirius is alive?!? And young?"

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"Do you have any ideas of where Regulus might've hid the locket, Sirius?" Harry asked as he carefully studied Sirius's facial expressions as the boy fiddled with the locket.

"I could check his room... he was always in there."

A rattling sound creeping from the corner startles the group. They all turn their attention to the direction of which the sound came from. Slowly, Harry gets up from the table. The others get up as well as Harry approaches the closet door.

He twists the doorknob open and the moment Harry catches sight of bat-like ears, he grabbed the creature out of the dark space and into the light.

Kreacher shrieks loudly with surprise as he was snagged out of the closet.

"Kreacher?" Sirius says.

Kreacher turns to the direction of which he heard his name being called from. Realizing who it was, his eye tuen wide. He gapes at the standing, and every much alive, figure of his old master.

"The rumors are true... Master Sirius is alive?!? And young?"

"What rumors?" Hermione asks as she turns to Ron. In response, Ron gives Hermione a shrug.

"It's a long story, Kreacher." Sirius said, making sure not to disclose any information that was too sensitive. He wasn't sure if he could trust the house elf.

As Kreacher walks backwards, away from the group, Harry moves closer.

"You weren't spying on us were you?" The boy urged.

"Kreacher has been watching."

"Maybe he knows where the real locket is." Peter says to nobody in particular.

Sirius snags the locket that was lying on the table and hold it in front of Sirius.

"Have you seen this before, Kreacher?" He asks.

Kreacher stutters, as he isn't sure if he can say anything about the locket.

"Kreacher." Harry warns, standing beside Sirius.

"I- It's Master Regulus's locket."

'Could've figured that much.'

"But there were two weren't there? Where's the other one?"

Kreacher glares at the blood traitors in the room and returns his gaze to Harry, replying, "It was here, in this house."

"Where's it now?" Remus asked the elf.

"Did someone take it?" Lily asked worriedly as she looks up at James.

"He was here...in the night. He took many things, including the locket.

"Who?" A couple of the others asked in sync.

"Mundungus Fletcher." Kreacher hissed.


Ron played a small note on the piano as he and Hermione sat on the bench. Hermione laughs a bit at how horrible it sounded. James winced at the sound.

"Mate, maybe you should stick to quidditch." Sirius said.

Peter scoffed at the irony and tilted his head towards Sirius to look at him and say.

"Says you." Sirius gasped at this and fell backwards to Remus who was reading the Daily Prophet. "How could you say this to me, Wormy! I was only your friend for... how many years has it been, Prongs?"

"Uhm, I'd say about... 6 years?" James replied as he pops a freshly baked cookie in his mouth. His eyes widen at the incredibly hot temperature of the cookie and proceeds to fan his mouth as an attempt to cool it down.

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