Quidditch Matches and Tears

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The crowd erupts in cheers as Ron, yet again, successfully defends the goal hoops. Although it seemed that Ron wasn't going to be the only new star.

Sirius and James destroy their opponents with their skillful and unpredictable tactics. Sirius flew swiftly in front of the other players to distract them.

The Slytherin quidditch players try to maneuver their way out from Sirius' sight, but were unsuccessful, even with their expensive brooms. Sirius raises her eyebrows mockingly and even jokingly, purposely teasing the other team's players.

"Thought you'd been the ones who were taught to play roughly?" He yelled out from the distance that was in between his broom and other's. Remus softly smiled at the boy. Whenever Sirius was playing quidditch, a blaze of mischief and freedom was present in his eyes, something that wasn't there if he was doing anything else but the sport.

Meanwhile, James was busy scoring goals with the quaffle. He uses the distraction that Sirius was playing out to his advantage. Scoring goals as fast as he can and as many as he can.

With Ron on cloud nine from the crowds cheering his name, James scoring goals every second, and Sirius blocking any flyer coming in his best friend's way, the Gryffindor team had become an impenetrable fortress.

A bead of sweat ran down Sirius' forehead as he tilted his head back and breathed heavily, hearing the sweat melody of the crowd's screams. The words said only milliseconds ago, echoed in his ears.

"Gryffindor Wins!"

Sirius' eyes unknowingly scan the crowd for a particular boy. And there he saw him. A wide smile present on Remus' face that grew only more when he and Sirius made eye contact.

Sirius flashed him a charming grin with a slight blush apparent on his face. He hoped that Remus thought it was just because of the cold.

Both boys' hearts unknowingly flutter. At that moment, all of time seemed to have frozen. The crowds cheering had muffled and their surroundings blurred. The only thing they could see perfectly, was each other.


Ron smiled bashfully as he heard his name be chanted in his house common room.

Harry smiled proudly at his best friend and James put an arm around Harry's shoulder, smiling at Ron. Lily stood with Hermione and Harry at her right.

Hermione told Harry, "You know you shouldn't have done it."

Lily agreed with Hermione as she nodded her head firmly at Harry.

"I know. I suppose I could've just used a Confundus charm."

Peter and James snorted at the comment.

"That was different. That was tryouts. This was an actual game."

Harry looked at Hermione challengingly and pulled out a full vial of liquid luck from the pocket of his flannel.

Lily's jaw dropped and Remus huffed in amusement.

Sirius put an hand on James' shoulder as he said, "It seems your son is a true marauder, Prongsy."

"Yes, he is."

Sirius leaned over towards Remus and whispered something in his ear. Remus blushed and nodded.

And with that Sirius and Remus disappeared of to some place outside of the room.

Hermione looked baffled, looking back and forth in between Harry and the vial. "You didn't put it in. Ron only thought you did."

Harry nods proudly and turns back to the crowd that was engulfing Ron.

All of a sudden, Lavender Brown pulled Ron towards her. The girl smashed her lips onto the redhead boy's. The crowd goes insane. Lily frowns and looks over at Hermione, who'd started leaving the room.

Harry looks over as he sees Lily run after Hermione. He looks back at his dad who was scanning the room for his girlfriend. He tapped his dad's shoulder, resulting in James looking at his son.

"She's outside the room with Hermione. I'll go check on 'em."

James was about to follow Harry, but he felt a sharp tug on his shirt, stopping him. He turns around to see Peter.

"No offense man, but you're awful at comforting anyone who isn't Lily and Harry."


The scar-headed boy walked out of the corridors and looked around to see where the sound of light sniffling originated.

As he moved closer, Harry could hear his mother along with chirping noises coming from birds.

Lily was first to notice Harry approaching her and Hermione. She sat a step above the other girl, but still close enough to pull her into a hug when needed. Hermione looked up as well after Lily did. She let out a sniffling noise and cleared her throat slightly.

"Just practicing a charms spell." She said in a stuffy voice.

Harry looked up at the birds. "Well, they're really good."

The boy sat down next to Hermione just as Hermione diverted her attention to the floor.

"How does it feel Harry? When you see Dean with Ginny... or when you've seen James with other girls?" Hermione said the last part as she turned to Lily.

Lily chose not to respond first, as she wasn't sure it would be the best time to tell Hermione that James had been pinning after her ever since they'd met.

Meanwhile, Harry seemed shocked that Hermione knew.


"I know. I've seen the way you look at her. You're my best friend."

Just as Harry was going to say something, a high-pitched giggle interrupted him. Lavender and Ron come in with hands intertwined and bubbly smiles. They slow down as they notice Lily, Hermione, and Harry sitting together.

"Oops! I think this rooms' taken." Lavender says as she clings onto Ron's arm. Lily pulls a face of disgust at the girl.

Lavender runs off, although Ron lingers around. "What's with the birds?" He asks Hermione.

Hermione stands up with a firm look on her face. Lily leans towards Harry's ear and whispers.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Harry nods slowly as he watches the scene unfold.

"Oppugno." A herd of birds fly towards Ron rapidly. Ron rushes to escape from the birds and they splatter on the wall behind him.

Hermione frowns sadly like she was about to break down as Ron disappears off. She collapses back to where she was sitting. Harry moves closer to her so that Hermione could rest her head on his shoulder. Hermione does so and sobs into Harry's shoulder. Lily rubs Hermione's back comfortingly.

"It feels like this."


I don't even know what chapter this is, but here you go!

What'd you guys think of this chapter??

In the next chapter, we're going to get to see where Padfoot and Moony ran off too.

I know some of the stuff in this story is kind of off from the original timeline, but quite frankly, I don't give a shit anymore.

Q: Favorite hp fanfic? (I need recs)
Mine would be The World And Her Stars or Soft Spot :)


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