Weasley Home

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The moment the door of the Weasley home was opened, several delicious aromas came rushing into everyone's noses.

The sound of the door shutting alerting Molly Weasley. She quickly wiped her hands on her apron she was wearing and took a deep yet shaky breath. She closed her eyes momentarily and then came rushing into view of the group with a loving smile on her face.

"Oh Ronald Weasley! What took you so long? Ginny arrived an hour ago!" She says to her son while giving him a warm and tight hug.

Ron returned the embrace and told his mum. "Sorry mum. Me and Harry were showing our new guests around the place." After he says the words, the two pull apart from the hug, giving Molly a view of the, oh so familiar, five guests.

Her eyes flickered towards all of the teenagers. All standing together, happy. Even with the glamour charms, to anyone who knew Lily Potter and the infamous marauders, the charms were no disguise.

A tear threatened to escape her now, glassy eyes. She blinked away the tears.

James gave Molly a polite smile and introduced himself first.

"Hi Mo- Mrs. Weasley! I'm Jayden Patterson, er- it's a pleasure meeting you." James felt a bit awkward introducing himself to someone who he already knew, but nonetheless tried his best.

Molly let a choked sob and laugh at the same time. Although, her laughter was more evident than the cry, making James look at Molly confused.

"Oh Godric. You're even worse of an actor than I thought, James!" Molly now in fits of laughter.

James eyes widened as he gaped at Molly, similarly to the rest of the group.

Ron and Harry glanced at each other, never having seen this side of Molly Weasley. Not even Ron has seen his mother laughing in such a blissful and elated manner.

"I- how did you know?" James asked Molly.

The woman's laughter died down and she spoke, "Dumbledore told me."

James let out a sigh to show understanding.

Soon enough, everyone was taking turns hugging Molly. Peter stayed at the back, worried of what Molly would think of him. At last, he was finally facing the woman.

"Molly, I just want to say-" Peter started, but he stopped talking when he felt warm arms wrap around him.

"It's alright, Peter. I understand." She whispered into the boy's ear, giving him a warm and welcoming smile after. The two pulled apart from the embrace and Peter returned to the group who gave him smiles.

Molly clapped her hands together loudly, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Lovely! Food's almost ready! Harry, dear. Ron. Would you two show the rest where their rooms will be while I finish up?" Molly announced.

And so, everyone went their own ways. Leaving Molly to process what had just happened.

As she was stirring her pot of soup, her thoughts drifted off to the Remus she knew of now.

Of how different the younger version of him is, much more cheerful and alive. Same goes for Sirius.

The two men loved each other dearly. But the war had changed people. The boys' fears had made them overlook how in love they were.

A small frown grew on Molly's face as she remembered something Remus has told her the day after Lily and James we're murdered.

"M- molly... I was going to tell Sirius of how much liked him. Today." His voice breaking into sobs as he says the words.

The war truly did take a toll on many.

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