The Locket

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"Wormtail, I do expect that you've requested to have me here for something reasonable." Voldemort tells the rat of man that stood across him.

"Y- yes, my lord! I asked for your pr- presence to tell you some very good news." Peter Petigrew tells his lord. The man was practically jumping on his heels to tell the news. Leaving Voldemort quite intrigued as to what he has in store.

"Go on." The dark lord snaps in a demanding tone. Peter flinches slightly, though he still continues as he was told to do so.

"I s- successfully got into younger Peter's mind."

Voldemort raised the place where his eyebrows would be, indicating that he was in fact surprised.


"And I saw some of his memories. One was him- me getting sorted into Gryffindor. There were others too, but I saw a specific memory of where I was talking about a Duitine..."

"Duitine, what?" Voldemort asked.

"Well, you see, my lord. The younger Peter kicked me out of his head after that." Peter looked down at his feet when he sees the dark lord get aggravated.

"Well, can't you recall the memory now that you've seen part of it?"

"I-" Peter began to speak although he was quickly cut off when Voldemort continued talking.

"I assigned you this task for a reason, Wormtail. You and the younger Peter Petigrew have to be connected somehow, considering that you are the same person, just from different timelines. If I had to just have someone look into that boy's head, I would've have someone like Severus do it. Or even myself.... As of why, you can't remember the memory, I am afraid I don't know the reason to."

Once Voldemort was finished ranting, Peter slowly came to realization that the dark lord had been looking inside his head the whole time. It would be the only possible explanation as to how he knew what he was going to say.

All Peter could do was whimper and bow his head in shame and self-disappointment.

"You had one task and you couldn't even do that. Now, scram and come to me with better information. Or else... you'll be left in the dungeons til yule."

Peter left the room, feeling much more solemn that he did when he'd walked in. As he left the door, Rodolphus came in.

"What is it?" Voldemort says, feeling much more snappy.

"My Lord, I have some news for you."

Voldemort pursed his lips at the sense of familiarity and waited for the thing to continue.

Rodolphus cleared his throat and began, "Harry Potter, was spotted at the ministry with his friends."


After an incredibly chaotic escape, Remus laid on the ground, panting to catch their breath—similarly to the other. The leaves underneath, crackling as he turned his head to take in his surroundings. His vision slowly cleared, the bright daylight making him quint his eyes. Above him were lush green trees.

The world was still for a moment, a moment to absorb every event that had happened. He closed his eyes and inhaled to take in a brief second of peace. 

Harry slowly gets up from the bed of leaves. The sound of Regulus's necklace broke into his ears. He quickly walks over to it and grabs it as if it would disappear any second.

"Harry! Harry, quickly, in my bag! There's a little bottle of essence of dittany." Hermione yells as she scrambles to Ron who was lying on the ground, gasping and choking in pain.

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