First Day

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"Moony! Moony! WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

The sudden noise made REMUS shoot out of bed. He adjusted to the bright morning light on his face and saw Sirius sitting on top of him and shaking him awake. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and said, "What is it?" Sirius looked at the handsome boy in front of him and said, "We're going to the late for breakfast."

Remus looked around to see the other boys in their pajamas, also looking equally annoyed but also a bit amused as they looked at him and Sirius act like an old married couple.

Remus noticed the position that Sirius was in and blushed slightly. He asked the boy awkwardly, "Erm, could you get off so I could go get ready?" Sirius's face turned as Lily's hair. Well, as red as it used to be.

They all quickly got dressed, since they were very late for breakfast. And Sirius refused to start of the day without food. They all ran to the great hall with their bags, a few students that were waking by, sending weird glances at the quartet. They all stopped for a minute at the entrance of the hall and catches their breathes before walking in like nothing had happened.

James sighted Lily sitting with Hermione, Harry, and Ron, although she was mostly talking to Hermione. He practically ran to the empty seat he saw next to her, leaving the boys to walk on their own. He slide next to her and put and arm around her shoulder. Lily didn't even have to turn around to see who it was.

"What is it Patterson?" She asked in an annoyed tone. It felt quite odd not being able to say the boy's real last name.

Jame smiled innocently at the girl. "I just wanted to sit with the love of my life. On that note, how about we go on a date sometime, love?"

Lily flushed red at question. Lately her thoughts have been betraying her. One date wouldn't hurt right? It's just one date.

Lily shook the arm off her shoulder and simply said, "No".

James seem to be completely unbothered by the rejection, he just nonchalantly turned around to his friends sitting beside him. Harry stifled a laugh at the boy and girl. Ron was completely unaware of what was going on, he was too busy eating a sausage.

James looked up to his son with a smile on his face. He cleared his throat and said to the other boy, " I don't think I've probably introduced me and my friends, I'm Jam- Jayden." James felt Remus hit his foot at his almost slip up. He winced. "Ouch- this is Ramon, Sierre, and Pierre- hey that rhymes!"

Sirius and Peter's eyes light up in excitement as they made eye contact. They both simultaneously stated, "IT DOES." It seemed that they hadn't realized that their names rhymed either.

Ron finally swallowed the abnormally large bite he took. He turned to Harry and Hermione. "I wonder what trouble we'll be getting in this year."

Sirius looked up at the mention of the word trouble. "Trouble?"

The golden trio all shared a familiar look while the past students shared a confused one. Dean Thomas, turned to them. "Every single one of our years at Hogwarts, something odd's happened. In our first year, we got attacked by a troll and our DADA teacher apparently had You-Know-Who head hiding behind his turban. But then Harry killed him." He sounded so casual saying it, it was like this was an everyday thing.

Peter choked on his pumpkin juice. The other four just looked at the boy in disbelief. Harry diverted his eyes when he heard the topic of what the group were talking about. Peter cleared his throat, "You had V-voldemort on the back of your teacher's head!?!"

Lily looked up in a face of confusion, "But why'd Harry have to defeat him?!? Where was Dumbledore in all of this? And where is Harry's parents in all of this?!"

Harry jumped in the conversation at the mention of those questions. "You really don't know what happened to my parents?" Lily, Sirius, Remus and Peter shook their heads while James was looking more and more alarmed. 

"What'd do mean by that? What happened to you parents?" The marauders and Lily all leaned towards Harry, eager to hear the boy's answer. " Well, to answer all of your questions, I'm not sure why I had to kill Professor Quirrel by myself, probably had to do with me being the boy who lived." Harry rolled his eyes after saying that stupid name. "Anyways, Dumbledore was gone while I 'defeated' him. And my parents were killed by Voldemort when I was a baby." He smiled sadly at that part.

James looked absolutely in shock while the others just looked at Harry and James with broken expressions. Soon after hearing the news, all students left to go to their first classes.

The rest of the classes was very uneventful, except for Professors Slughorn and Snape's classes. Professor Slughorn acted as if Harry was a god when he created the perfect potion, which made Lily very proud of James's son. She was glad that he didn't end up being an absolute idiot like his father.

In Snape's class, all of the students were taken aback from how Snape was acting that day. He even awarded the Gryffindors house points?! He barely took an away from them either!

Lily and the marauders returned to the Gryffindor common room, they were all sitting comfortably on the couches. It was comfortable silence until Lily spoke up. "We should go to the library sometime, do you thing we'll be able to find something about Harry there by any chance. From how people act around him, it's as if he's some famous hero."

Remus added on to what the girl was saying, "Not to mention the names people call him, the Chosen One. The boy who lived?!?" The quintet sighed.

This is going to be an interesting year.

I have so much planned for story. I think I might have to break them up in sections, like Part 1, Part 2, etc.

I hope all of you have a lovely day. And don't forget to eat!!!

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