Harry's Obsession

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It was around time for bed and the golden trio were sitting with a certain group of students in the Gryffindor common room. Harry was on the ground next to Ron and Hermione sitting comfortably a with.. potions book in his hands?

"Harry? Mate, why are you reading a potions book?" Peter asked the boy who was at his right.

Hermione replied for Harry instead, "He's been obsessed with that bloody thing."

Harry showed Hermione and Lily, who were sitting next to each other, a page of the book. "Have you heard of this spell? Sectumsempra?"

Lily shakes her head at the boy. While Hermione says, "No, I haven't. If you had a shred of self respect, you'd hand that book in."

Ron, who was sitting on the couch with James spoke up in the situation. "That's bloody likely. He's even better then you, Hermione!"

Remus was comfortably reading the daily prophet. He added on to what Ron was saying, "Slughorn thinks he's a genius."

Hermione looked at the two boys in disbelief. She put the paper she was reading on Lily's lap. "I'd like to know who's it was." The girl got up on her knees and stuck a hand out towards Harry. Immediately, Harry moved further away from her and got up from the floor.

"No", he said.

"Why not?" Hermione asked him.

Harry backed away and moved towards to the back of the couch that James and Ron were sitting at. "The binding is fragile."

"The binding is fragile?!??"

Sirius snorted while Remus and Lily gave the boy questioning looks. James on the other hand, saw a redhead girl get up from a chair she was sitting in and reaching to grab the book from Harry's hand.

Harry and Hermione both turned at the noise of a book being snatched from Harry's hands. Ginny walked backwards and opened the "fragile" book.

"Who's the Half-Blood Prince?"

"Who?" Lily and James both asked in unison.

Ginny turned and walked towards the couple with the book in her hands. As she walked she said, "That's what it says right here. This book is property of Half-Blood Prince."

She sits down on the floor next to Lily. Hermione and Harry follow the girl. She hands the book to Lily.

Lily looked at the cover and turned that page to look at what's at the back of it. Nothing, but stains of the ink that'd sunk through the parchment over time.

"I'm sure that this book is quite old, probably a couple 20 years."

James looked down towards Lily, "How'd you know that, love?"

Lily blushed at the nickname but responded, "The ink on the parchment's already seeped through the page. The kind of ink we have at Hogwarts takes a long time to do that."

Ron looks at the girl impressed and a bit confused, "I'm not even going to ask you how you figured that out."

The Next Day.

Lily and Hermione were getting dressed together for Hogsmede. The two girls were especially excited about the fact that it was Lily and James' first date together.

Hermione was busy braiding Lily's hair into a beautiful braid. It was comfortable silence for a while, but then Lily spoke.

"It feels so surreal sometimes."

"What does?"

"Being here. I mean, I'm quite literally attending school with mine and James' son. And we're in the future." Lily says in a tone of disbelief making Hermione laugh at the girl's statement.

" When do you think is the right time to tell Harry about all of this?" Hermione asks.

"I don't think there even is a right time, but better sooner then later. Me and the boys have been talking about that quite a bit actually. We're thinking of telling him later today, probably when we get back from Hogsmede."

Hermione pats the girl's shoulder, signaling her that she's done with her work. Lily glances at the mirror and smiles. She turns to look at a very proud Hermione.

"It's lovely Hermione. Thank you."

"Anytime Lils."

Lily's smile faltered. Marlene used to call her that. But she quickly covered it and followed Hermione out of the door.

Meanwhile at Harry's dorm, where James is getting ready with the guys.

James steps out of the bathroom, dressed in his clothes. A light blue button with a few buttons undone to reveal the white turtleneck underneath, normal black trousers, and a long black coat for the cold Hogsmede weather.

He does a dramatic twirl to show the boys his outfit. "How do I look? I have to perfect for Flower."

Sirius shoots James a thumbs up with both of his hands. "You look great, mat-" Sirius was interrupted with James talking again.

"What if she thinks that I'm trying to hard?!? What if she changed her mind??"

Harry placed a comforting hand on James' shoulder.

"And that isn't going to happen. Loretta like you, a blind man can even tell that you two are in love."

James calms down almost instantaneously with the comforting words his son says. His son...

I should be the one to be saying these things to him. I should've been there for him when he's in situations like these. Giving him advice on girls, reassuring him when he's doubting himself.

With Harry's words and some Gryffindor courage, James opened the dorm's door and to his Lilyflower.

And there she was. Standing in front of him, looking as beautiful as always. James briefly scanned her outfit. A chunk dark maroon sweater, long high waisted black trousers, and a long grey coat.

Perfect. Absolutely fucking perfect.

Even though James could say a million compliments about how Lily looked, no words seem to come out.

James gaped at Lily with an open jaw. Ron came up to James, shut his open mouth, and walked over to Hermione.

Lily cheekily smiled at the boy. "Don't have any words to say, arrogant toe rag?"

Peter started heading for the exit of the common room, "Alright, let's leave before the poor boy embarrasses him even further."

I really like this chapter.

We're going to Hogsmede next chapter, I'm very excited.

Anyways, at the time that I am writing this, this story has gotten 1K READS.

Would you guys be interested in a face reveal??

I'm actually curious what kind of people my readers are, so I'm going to ask a question at the end of every chapter.

Q: What's your Hogwarts House??
I'm a Ravenclaw.


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