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"Avada Kedavra!"  Those two words were uttered by an unknown voice and chaos broke through. Green flashes meshed with red and orange. What was before a quiet and dark alley, became one that was lit up by the light coming from every wizard's wands. James was blinded from luminescence.

He couldn't see anything but spells and faces of shock.

He couldn't hear anything except his friends and his voice, yelling spells desperately for defense.

His mind was scrambling at limitless speeds. He couldn't think. Separate one thought from another. All he could think about was his family and friends.

Where's Harry? Where's Lily? How'd they find us? Is this it? Why'd it have to be now I can't lose themIdidn'tgettoseethemwhydidithavetobeusIcan'thaveitendlikethisnotwhenwe'resoclosesoclosesoclose-

S   t     o     p

He heard his name being said by the person who he thought of as nothing less than a brother. In the flashes of light, James saw Sirius's hand reach out for him. James stretched his hand out to reciprocate Sirius, immediately clutching his palm.

With a grunt, Sirius pulled James closer to him. Enough that James could make out Lily's face, who was fighting off a death eater near Sirius.

Lily's eyes moved to James for a single moment. Only then did a death eater shriek out, "Confringo!" Lily's eyes widened when they diverted back to the death eater casting a curse in her direction. James yelled as he sent a spell back defending the curse that was just sent. He then said, "Petrificus Totalus."

The death eater froze animatedly and plopped on the ground with a thud.

Hogsmede went dark again.

"I suppose the bad guys are all done with, right?"

Hermione mutter something under her breath, the nose of her wand lit up, restoring back some of the light there was before.

She pointed her light to the ground, showing the pile of unconscious bodies on the ground. Lucky for them, none of those bodies included ones that were their friends.

"We need to leave." Hermione said, looking up to her friends.

"Well we could've all figured that much. The question is wh-" Remus began. He paused as he heard a small noise. He looks down to see one of the death eaters slowly stirring, most likely stirring awake. He peers back up with wide eyes, his fingers fiddling with the wand in his hand.

"Um. Guys." Peter's voice clashed with the silence and everyone turn to look at him. He was staring up, his eyes trailing along with something in the sky. The others follow his gaze to see three more figures of black smoke flying across the sky.

Harry quickly goes towards the death eater standing closest to him and lifts his left sleeve. The dark mark was there, alive black ink, the snake like body slithering on the man's pale skin.

Harry spoke as he backed up and back to the others. "This one had called for some backup it seems."

"This way!" A rough voice sounded.

"I can't be the only one that heard that." Sirius said, looking around. The voice let out a huffing sigh before muttering something under his breath.

Suddenly, everyone felt a magnetic force pulling them towards a dark alleyway. Before any of them have the time to process what's going on, they're pulled inside a room. Which is where they stop.

"Merlin's left ball sack. What was that?" Ron says, exasperated.

Similarly to the others, he looks around the room that they were in. It was dark, with only the small dim candles providing some sort of light. A banging sound coming from the door shutting makes them all jump and turn around.

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