Courtyard Apocalypse

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Minerva McGonnagal couldn't decide if letting the marauders out in the open during a battle was a mistake or the best idea she's had in her life. Even as she was inside the great hall, she still caught a glimpse of a death eater dancing madly on the grounds, with no control over their movements and no wand in hand.

James Potter's works, if McGonnagal was correct. For he was the one who'd stopped by just to laugh at the death eater that was uncontrollably dancing.

"Bombardo! Oppungo...please do not tell me I just saw a troll heading towards the castle." Peter groaned as he sent a pillar he just broke towards a herd of rapidly approaching death eaters. The group, almost comically, were crushed into the ground from the weight of the pillar. Peter smirked in victory, sending a wink to another Ravenclaw student who was watching in awe.

A few days ago, if you had told Regulus Black that he would be in the bloody future, fighting a battle in his school against death eaters beside his brother, he'd have turned and walked away. Claiming that you were absolutely mad.

Although it is funny how fate works.

And so he found himself. Sending every spell he knew towards the unknown death eater that was trying to attack him and his brother.

"Reggie! Behind you-" Sirius yelled as he turned Regulus around so that they were in each other's places. He quickly muttered a spell, creating an explosion right under the person's feet.


The death eater's face was concealed, so there was no real way of knowing who it was really. But Sirius could care less. His brother had made it clear that Slytherin students could fit by their side when he spoke up in the great hall.

The memory brought a small smile onto Sirius's face.

Regulus looked back once but took a double take when noticing Sirius's smile and scoffed, "Why am even surprised that you're smiling while in battle?"

"Am I meant to be offended?" Sirius playfully glared at Reggie, although he knew he couldn't see it.

The two were standing back to back, shooting spells at any approaching and attacking death eaters.

Peter was only a feet away, but he was busy helping an injured student tend to his leg. The boy winced when he tied a ripped piece of his jacket tightly around the injury.

"I still think you should head to the Gryffindor common room. At least for a bit." Peter tried to reason gently with the young girl in front of him. The girl scoffed and looked at Peter incredulously.

"I appreciate the help, darling, but you hardly believe that I would simply leave while my friends and family are busy risking their lives." She pushed her blonde hair aside from her face and forced herself onto her feet, trying to hide the obvious pain shooting down her leg.


The girl whipped her head around at the sound of her name. Turning back to Peter, she winked cheekily and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Be careful, would you?"

Before Peter could respond, the blonde girl turned and disappeared off to her friend. The boy huffed as he felt his cheeks grow hot. He turned to go find his friends.

Sirius continued fighting alongside Regulus in their previous format, but as he shot another spell at a death eater—his gaze flickered towards a person with a brown pixie hair cut. The hair had changed, but the face gave away the identity of the person who was running across the battleground.

'Tonks', Sirius thought in his head. He watched as the girl sprinted over and into the arms of another pale-complexed brunette woman. The image of the two girls hugging each other for dear life, reminded Sirius of something. Something that drained all the color off his face.

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