The Battle of the Seven Potters

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Harry sits down beside Hagrid and seconds later, they're off flying with the rest. They eventually reach the clouds and hide above them, out of view from the muggle world.

Thunder from the clouds flickers, the loud noise of the fierce clouds making Harry wince and squint his eyes. Just as the order reaches a place where there isn't clouds, they find something that is much much worse awaiting for them.

Death Eaters.

Dozens of death eaters flying rapidly in rotations around them and attacking in between.

Hagrid yells out, "No!", as a bolt of light coming from a wand just barely misses them. Twisting and turning away from the chaos, they try to escape.

Finally get out of the swarm of hostility, Hagrid steers away as fast as he can. Harry looks back and says to the half-giant, "We can't just leave them behind!"

"I can't do that Harry, Mad-eye's orders" Hagrid glances to his right and catches a couple of death eaters coming towards them. He pushes a button that makes the motorbike fly off quickly.

"Hang on!" The motorbike lands on the road roughly and Harry's turns around to shoot spells at death eaters. One spell shot by a death eater hits a van, causing the vehicle to flip onto its side, crashing with another car in the process.

Hagrid reaches a tunnel just as another flyer comes towards them. With warning, the motorbike moves and starts driving on the ceiling of the tunnel. Harry, who wasn't well prepared for that, gets thrown of the bike with only one hand holding on for dear life.

Finally reaching turning to the ground, a spell on Hagrid's back knocks him out. Harry's eyes widen when he notices his dear friend unconscious. Without a second though, he grabs onto the handles and starts to drive the motorbike.

They launch once again to the sky. Harry sights a speck of white coming closer to him. The figure coming closer, he recognized the feathery white wings and face. Hedwig. She flew towards the face of a death eater with great speed ans manages to slow the person down.

Just as Harry sees Hedwig fly up to him once again, a bright green flash of light sends his familiar dropping to the ground.



The marauders and Lily sat in a circle together.

An empty pie tray in the middle.

James and Sirius both leaned back at the same time. Nothing they did the same thing, they send each other cheeky side-eyes and point their fingers at each other.

"Great minds think alike." They say in unison then lean back further laughing. Remus swallows the bite of pie in his mouth and mutters loud enough for the others to hear him.

"Stupid ones do too."

Peter falls of his chair dramatically.

"Damn, Moony!"

James pouts at his friend meanwhile Sirius scoffs too loudly in offense. "I'll have you know I was quite proficient in Herbology."

Lily shakes her head at Sirius's words and states. "No no, you only got an E in that class because you were always copying off of Alice." The girl crosses her arms after she says the words.

Ginny arrives downstairs and greets them, to which they all respond back with variations of 'Hello'. The red-headed Weasley leans forward to see what was in the middle of the group. When she sees the empty tray, she fakes being offended and asks them.

"Where's my slice??"

Before Remus goes to apologize, Peter tells the girl.

"I baked another one if you or the order wanted some. It's on the counter." Ginny smiles at Peter and walks to the kitchen. Just as she opened the drawers for a utensil, a louder noise catches everyone's attention. Mrs. Weasley comes out from the kitchen.

Her and Ginny head for the door. Just as the time travelers try and get up to follow, Mrs. Weasley signals them to remain sitting. A minute later, Remus comes in, holding George up.

Lily gasped when she notices that George's ear is gone. She walks closer to assist the older Remus in placing George onto the sofa.

"Merlin! What happened??"

James walks up to Lily and instinctively places a hand on her back as he too examines how rough the older Remus and George look.

"Where's Harry?" He asked, whilst looking around for Harry. Just when Harry walks through the door, James goes to embrace him but then Remus pins him to the wall with a wand at his neck.

"What creature sat in the corner, the first time Harry Potter visited my office in Hogwarts?"

"Remus, what are you doi-" The younger Remus starts saying.

"What creature?!?!"

"Grindelow!" Harry yells out. Remus slowly let's go of Harry and Lily walks closer. Harry turns to see that all of the people he's been most eager to see during the summer were there in front of him.

He walks up to his mother ans hugs her tightly. Taking turns to hug his father, and each of the marauders after. As Harry is doing so, the older Remus says,

"We've been betrayed, Voldemort knew you were being moved. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter."

Silence fell in the room as they all thought of who could possibly betray the Order.

"Hedwig's gone. A death eater killed her when she was trying to protect me." Harry mumbles, he stares at the floor, grieving for his dead friend. The younger Remus put a hand on the boy's shoulder, making Harry smile in response at the other boy.


Peter put away all of the dishes after the Order had completely devoured all of the baked goods he'd baked. He reached over to the cabinet and opened it. The handle was loose. He mentally noted to tell Molly about it.

He felt a small tingling sensation in the back of his head. Rubbing the spot with his hand, he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. The uncomfortable feeling didn't go away, yet it only grew. Then, he felt a push. His panic only grew once he realized what was happening.

Someone was trying to enter his mind.

The real question was, who?
Another chapter done!

How was it?

I've been trying bc to find as much time as possible to write but I always end up procrastinating. Sorry guys.

I hope everyone is doing well. Don't forget to eat something!

Bye :)

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara