Coffee Shop Chaos

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The group's eyes widen simultaneously as they realize a city bus is heading their way at full speed.  Quickly they move back to the railing behind them, letting the vehicle pass by.

Hermione grabs Ron's hand and gestures the rest to follow her lead. They all follow her in a single file line, due to how crowded the streets were. 

"Moony, it's you!" James says nodding his head in the direction of the person that was wearing a bear costume. Peter laughed, and Remus rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Not even the same animal, Prongs."

"Where are we, exactly?" Ron asked.

"Shaftesbury Avenue." Hermione and Lily both say. Hermione looks back at Lily and smiles to herself knowingly as she turns back.

" I used to come to the theater here with mum and dad." Hermione said.

"I took Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice to see a film at the theater here." Lily added on.

The move into a dark and empty alleyway, where Hermione pulls out her bag and proceeds to stuff her whole arm into the bag and pull out clothes for the group.


"Undetectable extension charm. Good thinking." Lily hums as she says.

Ron looks at Harry with a face of amazement.

"You're amazing you are."

"Always the tone of surprise."

"Even I'm not surprised that Hermione has that. And I've known her for what? Around a year." Sirius says.

"Blimey, has it already been that long?" Ron asks the group.

"Seems so."


Everyone turns to Hermione with looks of confusion of worry. Hermione reddens and says the them.

"I forgot the books."

"This way, come on." Hermione stated as she opened the door of a coffee shop. The girl at the counter's eyes widened when she saw the large group come in, clearly not expecting to see such a large group arrive at this hour. She went to grab the little booklet and a pen to take everyone's orders.

The group randomly pick a seat and discuss the events of the wedding in hushed voices.

Although soon enough the girl at the counter comes over to take everyone's order. With her headphones on, on one and one without, she asks each of them for their order.

"Coffee?" The girl asked.

"I'll have a cappuccino." Hermione said. The turned girl turned to the rest.

"What she said."


"I'll have a hot chocolate." Lily said.

The marauders a looked at Lily and turned to the waiter saying,

"Me too." Remus smiled at the thought of chocolate.

The girl looked weirdly at the four boys who'd just unanimously made the decision of drinking the same drink as Lily. After, she turned away and left to the kitchens.

"So, where do we go from here?"

"Leaky Cauldron."


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