The Will

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James zips up Lily's knee length dark green dress for her. The color matching perfectly with the shade of her and Harry's eyes, according to her lovely boyfriend. Once he finishes zipping up the back, he plants a loving kiss on Lily's cheek, squeezing her by wrapping his arms around her waist as he did so.

The girl smiles bashfully at him, returning the favor with one as well.

Sirius lifts his head up in order for Remus to be able to fix his slightly uneven tie. The two boys were wearing suits that perfectly complemented each others.

Peter strolls into the living room, where the others were all standing. His head still throbbing in pain from the constant pain of making sure the barriers in his mind are up. He rubs his temples with the tips of his fingers and then mumbles a quiet, 'hello' to the group. But loud enough to be heard by everyone.

The others greet him back. A few moments later Ginny and Harry come into the room with flustered faces. Sirius notices this and leans closer to the pair when they walk passed him. He whispers to them,

"You guys were quick. But this isn't the best state you can show up in, in front of your parents."

Harry's eyes widen, his face becoming as red as Ginny's hair. He stutters out a response to Sirius, "It's not like that! Merlin, you're bad at whispering, Padfoot." He runs a hand through his hair and walks over to his mother after seeing Sirius send a suggestive wink.

Lily smiles at the boy, completely dismissing the little exchange her son just had with her friend. She gives him a big hug and so does James after her.

"What a lovely dress, it seems that we're matching Ms. Emberly." Harry says whilst pointing a finger at his eye color.

Lily let's out a laugh and James says excitedly,

"That's what I was saying!"

A knock at the door interrupts the light atmosphere. They all peer over at the door and then each other. Ginny volunteers to get the door, but looks through the peephole first.

She looks back and whisper-shouts, "It's the minister! Quick, hide!"

The time travelers turn white and they shuffle to the stairs. Remus almost trips up the stairs due to the two idiots scrambling behind him. He turns back and glares at them, making them stop what they were doing immediately.

Once Harry and Ginny were sure that the quintet was gone, they opened the door for the minister. The man sends a quick smile to Ginny and then turns to Harry. Ginny rolls her eyes at the man's actions and leaves the room to tell the others who weren't aware that the minister had came.

"Mr. Potter." He says whilst giving Harry a firm handshake.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, minister?" Harry's asks just as Ron and Hermione walk in.

"We both know the answer to that question, Mr. Potter."

The golden trio all sit together on one couch, staring at the minister, as they waited for his next moves.

The minister takes out a piece of parchment from his robes and lets it float away from his clutch and into the air, in display for all four of the people in the room to see. Harry for a second almost mistook the paper to be the marauder's map, but he quickly dismissed the thought as he realizes that artifact was in his room. Safe.

The minister starts, "This is... Here in his set forth, the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, in the hope that he will remember me when he uses it. To Miss Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, in the hope that she will find it entertaining and instructive. To Harry James Potter I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts, as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill."

He finishes his words, handing out each one of the items left to their designated people as he goes on with the speech. A small creaking , quiet but still noticeable for one to hear, noise came from the stairs. Harry being the only one who'd seemingly heard this, looked over from the corner of his eye.

At first he didn't see anything, but looking a little higher, he sees an ear hanging with a string, coming from above the staircase. He looks back and down to his polished black shoes. He couldn't help but slip out a small and barely noticeable smile.


Bill and Fleur's wedding was about to begin. a few guests had already arrived. The marauders and Lily were in there disguises as the students they've been playing as since the beginning of 6th year. Harry too was in a disguise. As cousin Barry, a relative of the Weasley's.

Just as they all started going to the wedding, Peter asked Harry if you could stay behind for a bit. Confused, Harry stepped back to let the others behind him, go on. Once everyone was gone, Peter looked around and sat Harry down on one of the chairs nearby. Peter sitting on the one across from Harry.

"What'd you need to talk about, mate?"

Peter let out a deep breath as he looked at the ground. He stretches his neck subtly, moving his head to the side. Looking back up at Harry, who'd noticed the small movement, and it left him thinking...


"...when you-know-who was trying to enter your mind... how did it feel?"

"Um- well, if you like someone who is pushing some sort of barrier-poking at it in a way. And a lot of the times my head was hurting constantly."

Peter's eyes widened. He try to ignore the dreadful feeling in stomach.

"Why?" Harry said, his voice coming out in a whisper, being afraid that his suspicions may be right.

"I think there's someone who's trying to get in my mind."
Cue the dramatic music.

Anyways, how's everyone doing today? Eaten something?

Also, it looks like Harry's not as dumb as he is in the movies. Maybe it's because he's around Lily. Can you just imagine a Harry that was raised by Lily and James? I'd kill for a movie like that. And I'd sob watching the movie.

Have a good day guys <3

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