The Chase

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The quintet of time travelers were sitting together behind a large boulder they'd found nearby the Lovegood's home. Awaiting for the golden trio to come back from paying a small visit to Xenophilius and Luna.

Sirius straightened his legs from having them up to his chest for so long, his knee popping once or twice as he does so. The noise disturbing the conversation and resulting in everyone turning to him.


"That was so loud, mate. Did you break something?" Peter asks.

Sirius suddenly clutched his knee and scrunched his face to imitate pain. He falls onto Remus's lap and groans out while straining out,

"What gave it away?" He says dramatically.

"Your stupidity." Remus bluntly says.

Sirius gasped loudly and Remus sends him a wink. "Prongs help me! I've been betrayed by my own lover." Sirius closes his eyes, waiting for a response from James. When he doesn't receive one, he peeks from one eye at James, only to find James completely entranced in what Lily was saying. Not paying a single mind to anything or anyone else around him.

Remus noticed this too and teasingly says, "It seems your Prongs has betrayed you for his own lover, darling." Sirius sends a playful glare to him and half reluctantly pushes himself up.

Peter turns around and peaks from behind the boulder. He looks at his surroundings for a second before his eyes land on the Lovegood's home. Hoping to see the trio walk out those doors soon.

Lily turns to group, "What do you guys think will happen when we go back?" She asks, referring back to the 70s.

"We'll just have to get rid of him. Before he has a chance to get go us." Peter answers in a determinative manner.

"The first thing on my list as of now, is making things up with Reggie." Sirius says, but his mind drifts off to thinking.

Hopefully, I'm not already too late.

"I dunno if we should tell Dumbledore when we get back, though. About the horcruxes and everything." James hugs his knees for some warmth. The late December cold finally catching up to him.

The others look at him, wondering where that came from. But before they could ask James, he went on with saying. "It's just- It doesn't sit right with me, everything we've found out. You're telling me that Dumbledore, one of the most powerful wizards of alive, couldn't think of a better solution than dropping Harry off to the Lily's sister to keep him 'safe'?"

Remus shifts his legs to face James now, yet his next words were still directed to everyone.

"Isn't it also a bit surprising that Dumbledore never decided to step in and give Sirius a trial when he was accused for selling Lily and James out to him. And Dumbledore surely has enough power in the ministry to do so."

Sirius sighs and lifts his head to look at this sky. He stares at the every shifting clouds until he spots something. Bullets of dark clouds, shooting diagonally downwards. Seemingly approaching them.

His heart skips a beat when a-now-familiar sensation of fear grows inside him. Sirius quickly shakes Peter's arm, who was the closest to his reach at the moment.

"Huh? What is it?" Peter quickly turns to Sirius. Peter's words catching the rest's attention as well.

Remus lowered himself a bit to further conceal them, "Stay down", he instructed.

"It's them." Lily said. Her knees hugging her chest now, eyes fixated on them. James turned to her, worry written on his face.

"It's just like how it was when they destroyed the Molly and Arthur's home." The others thought for a second as they continued to stare at the approaching death eaters.

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