Professors and Makeovers

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" Now before we start giving all of you your new identities, if it's all right with all of you., I would like the professors here to know about this occurrence. It will make the disguising significantly easier with the help of the professors." Dumbledore stated.

Lily, Remus, Peter, Sirius, and James all shared glances for a second, thinking about what Dumbledore had said. They all simultaneously said, "Yes, professor."

With their sign of agreement, Dumbledore smiled gently at them and waved his wand. Within a few seconds the professors started apparating into the office. The first one being Professor McGonagall. She elegantly walked forward to the headmaster's desk, being unaware of the smiling teenagers behind her. "Hello Albus, why'd you call?" Before Dumbledore could respond, the marauders and Lily simultaneously said,


"Professor McGonagall!"

Minerva immediately turned towards the noise, after hearing the familiar nickname that she was given by a group of her former students that she had grown to care about. Her tall, severe frame faced the group of teenagers, her eyes widened with recognition and shock. "What? How are you all here?" her tone was filled with an amount of sadness that made the marauders confused. Why would Minnie be sounding so sad? Did something happen in the future?

"Albus, what's going on?"

"I will explain everything in a moment Minerva, after all of the professors arrive."

The next professor, who gave quite the shock to the 6th years sitting on the chairs, was the one and only Severus Snape. He looked like he'd aged 50 years, from the stress of having to care of students, or just having to deal with them. The marauders sat there with surprised and almost amused facial expressions. Their former enemy is now a professor at Hogwarts?

Lily just sat there with a face that was slightly saddened. She still remembers the cruel name that he had called her, just a few months ago. A part of her had already forgiven him, but she knew she could never be friends with him again, he had already started to get more interested in the dark arts, much to her disappointment.

Snape was holding a dark colored mug, which look to be filled with some kind of coffee or tea.
He walked over to Dumbledore, with his black cloak swaying behind him. "You called?" His eyes soon diverted to the group of students that were staring at him, and he choked on his drink. His eyes were filled with several different emotions, hate, shock, and sadness.

The marauders were smiling mischievously at him, James was the first want to speak up. "Hey Snivellous." He said while smirking.
Lily slightly hit his shoulder, obviously upset at the use of that nickname.

Snape chosen to ignore what James had just said, but decided to focus on the fact that 3 of the people that he believed to have been dead were sitting in front of him. To make things even more bizarre they look like their 16 year old selves still.

Severus dramatically turn towards Dumbledore and McGonagall, his black shoulder length hair swaying during the action.

"What's going on?!?"

Minerva answered him, " I asked the same thing to him to Severus, but he said that we must wait until all the professors arrive and then he will explain everything." It was clear that she hadn't still completely processed the group of people in front of her. Her eyes turned towards serious, he looked so full of life and joy around James, she had almost forgotten how much happier he was before his death.

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