Arrival At Gringotts

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Harry walked into the kitchens, hoping to grab something to drink. He found that apparently literally everyone was there as well.

Peter was cleaning the dishes with Bill as Lily helped dry them and store them away.

Harry figured that the reason none of them were using magic for this had something to do with safety measures.

Remus was reading a book quietly beside James, who was sitting and chatting with Ron, Peter, and Hermione.

Harry slid into the empty seat near James. James turned around and smiled when he noticed that it was Harry.

"Harry! Just the person I was looking for."



"Now." James began saying as he slung an arm around Harry's shoulder and gestured somewhat discreetly to the corner.

Harry looked in the direction to see Sirius and Fleur chatting awfully passionately about a topic. Both were very invested in what the other person was saying. When Harry attempted to overhear
the conversation, all he could make out were words that sounded French.

"Do you happen to know French?" James asked. Harry turned his attention and gave his father a blank stare.

"Uhm dad. You do realize I was raised by muggles for my whole life in a little town in England—which I never left until I went to Hogwarts?"

James sighed loudly in defeat and laid his head on the cold kitchen island.

"You were the only person who I hadn't asked if they knew French. Bill knew a bit, but at the speed that those two were speaking it, it was hopeless."

"But why do you want to know what they're saying?"

"Because it's obvious they're gossiping." James said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.


"And I heard my name! Which means they're talking shit about me." James pouted dramatically. Lily glared at James and scolded him.

"James! Don't use such profanities in front of our son!"

"Darling, he's literally our ag-"

"Lily, I hope you haven't forgotten how you act whenever you mess up a potio-" Remus began to say, although he quickly shut him at the sight of Lily giving him a death stare. He gulped and quickly returned to his reading.

"Says the swearwolf." Sirius shouts from the corner. Not even a second after he returns to rambling in French with Fleur.


"Are you sure that's her's?" Harry says.

The group stand around Hermione as they all stare at the small black hair she is holding.

"Now Hermione, let's not forget what happened in our second yea-" Ron began although his words were interrupted when Hermione clamped her hand around his mouth. Leaving the girl flushing from embarrassment and ickle ronniekins blushing from their close proximity.

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