Secrets of the Past Part 2

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A lump formed in Lily and James' throats at the mention of their deaths.

Minerva was wearing a saddened expression as she spoke. "Judging from your faces, I'm assuming you already know this? Alright then, that night Voldemort came to the house you were hiding in. He killed you both, Lily, James. But when it came to Harry's turn, he wasn't able to do it. Somehow, that night, Harry James Potter, a one year old, managed to defeat the most powerful dark wizard of all time."

Minnie looked up to see five faces gaping at her, all of them very clearly shocked.

Lily shook her head, "Wait a moment, how though? Like you said Harry was only one, so how could a little boy survive the killing curse?"

"By your love Lily, your love was so powerful for Harry, it stumped the dark lord." Minerva told the girl softly.

Lily's face softened, she smiled fondly at the thought of her love for Harry.

The professor continued. "That wasn't the only thing that happened that night." She paused for a moment. "Now I want you to listen very carefully to me, please don't push each other away for the next thing I'm about to say. Understand."

They all quickly nodded to Minnie's stern tone.

"James. Lily. You two made Sirius the secret keeper originally, but changed it to Peter so it wouldn't be as obvious. That night Peter gave away your location to him."

Remus, Lily, James, and Sirius looked at Peter in confusion, shock, and betrayal.

Peter sat there still. His face screaming guilt and sadness. He looked at McGonagall. "Professor, why would I do that?" His voice cracked as he swallowed the tears that threatened to escape his eyes.

The professor looked at him sadly.

James put a hand on Peter's shoulder. "Mate, if you don't have any idea why you would do that, that just proves that you aren't like the person you are later on." he said softly.

Pete looked up to James in the eye. "I will never betray any of you, I promise. I promise that I won't become that person in the future."

The rest smiled reassuringly at Peter.

They all soon turned to Minnie to hear her continue the story.

"Now I'm sure that the rest of you are curious on what happened to you during this. Well, Mr. Lupin, you were at North of the country doing some business for the order. A secret society Dumbledore made to help fight off Voldemort. And Mr. Black, you were..."

Minerva hesitated to say the next part but chose to continue.

"You immediately went off to find Mr Petigrew when you figured out that he had sold Lily and James to Voldemort. But, an accident ended up happening and you were framed for what Peter had done."

Peter leaned towards the professor a bit, looked her in the eye seriously.

"Professor. What did I do??"

"Are you sure you would like me to say this Mr. Petigrew."

"Yes! How else am I going to learn from the mistakes that my disgusting future self did?"

Minnie sighed, "Very well then."

"Mr. Petigrew and Mr. Black ended up having an argument and just when the ministry was about to arrive, Mr, Petigrew casted a spell. That spell was powerful enough to blow up 12 muggles nearby. Then, Mr Petigrew cut off his finger and transfigured into a rat. By the time the ministry arrived, you, Mr Black, were the only person left to blame. They sent you to Azkaban."

Remus spoke up, "But what about the trial?!? Didn't the ministry have Sirius take veretaserium during the trial?"

"The ministry didn't give Mr. Black a trial."

Chaos broke out in the room.


"WHY NOT?!?"



"Mr. Potter, Mr Petigrew, please be careful of your language."

Remus was still sitting next to Sirius, unlike the rest, who were practically bouncing off of walls from rage. He put a comforting arm around the boy. Sirius was unusually quiet, looking at the floor. It wasn't what had happened to just him that left him quiet, it was everything. How Lily and James were dead, how Peter gave their location to Voldemort, how Remus is now all alone because of what had happened to him as well.

After a few minutes, everyone had soon calmed themselves and sat down. Which led to McGonagall to continue speaking.

"Now I think this is enough information for today. I understand a lot of these things were difficult to listen to. Are there any questions about what you've heard today?"

Lily and James looked at each other, both of them wondering the same thing.

"Minnie, where's Harry living then? Is he living with Moony now?"

Minerva's facial expression hardened. "As much as I'd love to say yes, unfortunately Harry's currently residing with the Dursley's."

Lily looked appalled, "What?!? By Dursley do you mean Vernon Dursley? That walrus that's dating my sister!?!"

The woman nodded.

"It was strictly Dumbledore's orders. I hope you do realize, Mrs Potter, that I tried to convince him to not take Harry there. I even volunteered to take care of Harry myself."

James rubbed Lily's back comfortingly and said, "We appreciate you trying to help professor."

Remus looked at his watch that Sirius had given him for his 15th birthday. "I think we should get going now Professor, it's almost time for dinner."

They all slowly started to get up and head to the great hall together.


I appreciate all of you guys for being patient with me! I just wanted to get the stuff that'll be difficult to write out of the way. This story is going to start to actually follow the Half Blood Prince story line now.

Until next time!

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