Caved In World

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Sirius watched as the blue animals' luminescent light lit up the outside of the courtyard. After producing their corporeal patronus creatures, the marauders were once again left to do the one thing that was most agonizing at this time.


Which was something many of the students at Hogwarts were doing. Of course the younger students had to stay put. But even the older students, who had stayed to fight, had nothing left to do but wait. It was all they could do, after double or triple checking on the others.

It was almost amusing, there was an entire veil around every inch of the castle, protecting them from harm. Yet it did nothing to soothe any of their nerves. In the back of their mind, the marauders and all of the other students knew that Voldemort may come along any second now.

Regulus, and Lily had put it upon themselves to go to the great hall to make sure there weren't any younger students walking around, or lost.

Leaving the marauders on their own.

"So this is the future?"

The marauders jumped slightly and turned to Regulus, who had appeared out of nowhere. They recollected themselves and looked at the boy, who was staring at the sky in disbelief.

Sirius shifted his gaze to the sky as well

"We're not going to let all this happen when we go back, yeah?" Remus asked, although the question felt a but silly to him. There was only one logical answer.

"Yea- hey Regulus?" James said, suddenly remembering he wanted to say something else as well. Remus rolled his eyes at how quickly the boy became side-tracked.

Regulus hummed in response as he pulled away his eyes from the sky and to James.

James looked down at his hands for a second, hesitating before speaking his next words. Which was a small habit he happened to pick up from Harry.

When the marauders noticed the habit, Peter playfully teased him endlessly at the fact that the father was learning from his son. James had dramatically puffed up his chest and started acting high and mighty in response. His friends laughed in response, their laughter only grew when James immediately deflated back to normal the second he saw Lily come by.

"I was wondering... when we all go back to our timeline. Would you want to come live with me and Sirius at the Potter's manor?"

Regulus's face morphed from curiosity to shock. His grey eyes held so many emotions in that moment, nobody couldn't even comprehend it.

"I... I don't know how I would do that." Regulus responded. And it was the plain truth. Regulus wanted to say yes in a heartbeat, but part of him couldn't help but be afraid of what his parents would have to saw about it. He saw the way they treated Sirius.

Sirius knew what was going on his brother's head. He knew and he hated knowing that it was the exact thoughts he had when James had told him to move in with him.

James waited for Regulus to respond. He then saw Regulus began to open his mouth to speak. But only then, James's ears began to ring slightly. Regulus was saying something but he couldn't hear it. suddenly James came to the realization that everybody was confused, looking around as if they were seeing or hearing things. The ringing only lasted a second or two. But when it stopped, it was as if something had built up.

Before anyone could question what happened, a force of light shot towards the shield that was covering Hogwarts. Everyone squinted their eyes and put their hands up to protect them. The light spread so quickly around the perimeter of the castle, nobody even had time to realize that the light had destroyed the veil. But when they saw parts of the shield shattering like broken glass, now falling down from the sky, they knew.

It had begun.

Voldemort broke the shield.

The real battle had begun.

James eyes flood with panic. He jumped to his feet as he began racing to the great hall. As he ran, he turned back briefly, yelling to the others, "I'm going to go find Lily! You four stick together- please!"

Harry's mind went blank as he saw the shield outside crumbling. He hated all of this. Knowing that his family and friends had to fight in a bloody war all because of him surviving made it so much worse. He couldn't imagine loosing any of them.

A small voice in his mind told him he didn't have to imagine it, because it might just happen.

He pushed aside the irrational thoughts in his head and began running to the room of requirement.

This was really just a filler chapter, but I wanted to write a little something just so I could start getting in the flow of writing again.

How are all of you??

I've been doing so good, honestly. I won both competitions that I was preparing for, which means I get to go to state!!

Also, what are your thoughts on a sequel?


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