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Harry looks severely bamboozled at the boy's words. He paused for a moment.

"Did you just say.... son?"

Lily, James, Peter, Sirius, and Remus looked at each other. In unison, they all lifted the glamour charms that they usually had on.

Immediately, their faces and hair morphed back to how they actually are. Harry looked around at them, across him was sitting James Potter and Lily Evans.

Harry frowned in confusion. Ron was gaping at them with an open mouth. Meanwhile, Hermione raised her eyebrows in surprise. Even though she was aware of their real identities, she hadn't actually seen them without the charms.

Harry looked practically identical to James, except for the eyes of course. They both had the same ridiculous messy dark hair, defined faces, and round glasses.

Sirius touched his face and stretched the skin of it slightly. "My beautiful face is finally back!"

Remus jokingly replied back with, "It's not THAT beautiful."

Sirius faked offense and scoffed. The boy turned to James, "Prongsy save me! Moony's being a meany to me." He made a pouty face as he said.

James made a weirdly stern face at Remus, "Moony, be nice to Paddy!"

Remus rolled his eyes and replied sarcastically, "Yes, mum."

Harry looked across at the now mirror image of a man in front of him. "B- but... yo-.....how?" It seemed that the boy couldn't process what just happened.

"Well, let's start with telling our actual identities. I'll start. I'm Lily Evans, 16 years old,  born on January 30, 1960."

James smiles at his girlfriend and gladly continues what she started. "I'm James Potter, 16 years old, and I was born on March 27, 1960."

"I am Sirius Black, but you already knew that. I was born on November 3, 1959."

"I'm Peter Petigrew-"

Ron and Harry's face completely dropped at the name. Ron looked like he wanted to say something but quickly stopped as he could practically feel Hermione's gaze upon him.

Peter looked nervously at Harry but continued. "I was born 9th of September, 1960 and I'm 16."

Remus subtly rubbed the boy's back comfortingly and said, "I'm Remus John Lupin, born in March 10, 1960, and I'm also 16." He smiled at the trio. Hermione smiled at the mention of her favorite DADA professor.

At this point Ron was completely baffled and Harry was staring at his parents and Sirius sadly.

James smiled at Harry comfortingly, "It's nice to meet you, Prongslet, well I mean again."

Harry choked up on a sob and wrapped his father in a hug. James eagerly hugged his son back.

"It's nice to see you too, dad. Really nice."

James' smile turned into a sad one at the thought of his son having to grow up without him or Lily. It also didn't help knowing that Harry wasn't left in good hands either. He'd heard Hermione rant about how awful the Dursley's were and how Harry should just move in with her or Ron. But Harry was to kind to accept the offer.

"I will admit though, it is quite bizarre seeing my father and mother the same age as me." Harry mumbled into James' shoulder.

James laughed softly at that and then let go of Harry. He held on to Harry's shoulders and look him in the eyes. "You better tell me every single thing that's happened in the past years."

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