New Headmistress

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It didn't take long for Severus Snape to discover about Harry's arrival. Which didn't surprise Remus the slightest. Perhaps it was one of the more predictable events that have happened.

Snape had ordered all students to assemble at the great hall.

Remus was doing his best to stay with the group. As were the others. The entire group had changed back to their Hogwarts robes in order to blend in.

The time travelers didn't even bother putting on their glamours. No point in disguising when everyone's already aware of who you are.

Regulus was a bit repulsed at the idea of him having to wear Gryffindor robes. But for the sake of sticking together, he reluctantly accepted his fate.

Even with the change of robes, Hogwarts didn't feel the same. It felt odd. It had lost it's comforting feeling that was engulfed in the every corner of the castle. What used to be a corridor full of bustling and loud students, were now silent. The only sounds that one could hear wear students footsteps. As they all marched simultaneously, quietly, robotically, to the same place.

Out of everything, there was one thing that Remus noticed that stuck out like a sore thumb. Harry was surrounded by his friends, protected by a barrier, considering he was the one is the most vulnerable in this.

But he was still in his normal state, no glamour charms placed on him or anything. Any student that even glanced past Harry's friends would see Harry. Remus even noticed some students looking at Harry.

Yet they were quiet.

Nobody said a word.

Remus subtly smiled to himself as they continued walking.


"Many of you are surely wondering why I summoned you at this hour..." Snape's voice was quiet. But he didn't even have to speak up. The great hall was so quiet, even a pin dropping would be heard.

James didn't know what to be more amazed at. The fact that the great hall was the quietest he's ever seen it be, or the fact that Snape somehow miraculously became headmaster instead of his dearest Minnie.

He's sure Minnie feels the same way.

James feels a hand reach over to his and notices that it's Harry. He glances over to see his son holding Lily's hand as well. It's almost time to intervene. James smirked.

"It has come to my attention that earlier this evening...Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmede."

Quiet chatter erupted.

"Now, should any one student or staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter, they will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression."

James blinked, he looked over to Sirius to see if he understood any of that. By the blank stare that Sirius had, James could tell that his friends was just as confused as he was.

As he was turning back to look at Snape, James caught sight of Regulus rolling his eyes at Sirius.

"Any person found who had knowledge of this event—who fails to come forward—will be treated as...equally...guilty. Now then, if anyone here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements. I'd like them to step forward. Now."

It was still for a moment, nobody stepped up. Neither did anyone else expect anybody to step up.

Feet shuffled. James saw from his far right, Harry moving out from the crowd and into the open.

Gasps of shock and chatter echoed through the hall as they all catch sight of Harry Potter appearing.

"It seems despite your efforts, you have a bit of a security problem, headmaster." Just as Harry finished his words, the doors to the great hall opened. Through them, emerged the members of the order.

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