Ministry Break In

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"Bloody hell, my guy hasn't washed his clothes in a while." Ron says as his loosens the tie around his neck.

"The mustache is quite nice, though." Harry said half jokingly.

"Don't you dare actually consider growing a mustache." Lily says as she held the briefcase in her hands tightly. The briefcase was just there to make her seem like she had a reason to be at the ministry. Although it was filled to the brim with Peruvian Instant Darkness, so it wasn't completely useless.

The time travelers were in their alternate forms, the ones they'd disguised with during their year had Hogwarts. At first they'd suspected that death eaters may recognize them but they were told by Dobby that their wanted pictures had their real faces, not the disguises.

The words couldn't help but leave the group wondering why Snape hadn't revealed their second identities as well.

The group walks around the corner to the Whiehall Underground Public Toilets. The boys go through the entrance that was labeled, 'Gentlemen' and the girls, through a door labeled 'Ladies'.

The marauders stand by Harry and Ron as they go inside the loo. Columns of men are standing in front of the stalls, waiting to hear a flush, signaling that they can enter the stall. The boys get in line as the other men were doing so and wait for their turn to come.

When the time comes, James goes inside the stall. Looking around, he notices a the little details around him. The stall was quite old, although clean enough. With great hesitation, he stepped into the toilet bowl and flushed the toilet. His whole felt like it was twisting and in a millisecond he appeared at the Ministry of Magic.

Turning to his left, he finds Lily appear beside him. He sends her a smile, receiving one in return, and stepped out to find the rest as he held her hand tightly.

The pair walk through around the large room until they reach the middle where ginormous statue stood. As the take closer, the horrifying meaning behind the statue reveals itself. They stand together beside a man and woman.

"Are those..." The gentleman begins.

"Muggles, yes..."

James jumps a bit when he realizes the man and woman is actually Harry and Hermione. The friends turn to look at James and he mumbles, "Forgot that you all looked like that."

" their rightful place." Lily spits out. The memories of her former best friend calling her a mudblood, still fresh in her mind.

Ron, or a ginger man with a bushy mustache, trudges up to the rest of the group, Sirius, Remus and Peter following behind.

"Tell you, starting to freak out a bit." Ron says with a panicked expression written on his face.

Everyone looks at Ron for a bit with odd expressions, not used to seeing Ron's voice for a middle aged man.

Sirius stares at Ron and says, "Is this what you all feel like when we're looking like this all the time."

In unison the trio replies, "Yes."

"C'mon we better get a move on." Lily said as she started to stride away, the rest following behind momentarily.

They reach the elevators, splitting in two groups and go inside two different elevators. Hermione with Lily, James, and Peter. Harry with Ron, Sirius, and Remus. Another man, dressed in expensive robes and a slicked back braid, stop's Harry's elevator from moving with the touch of his hand.

"Cattermole, it's still raining inside my house. Its been two days." The man says in a rough voice as he directs the words to Ron, more the man Ron was disguised as.

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