A Christmas Gift From Me :)

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Christmas is right around the corner and I'd asked you guys for ideas for a special Christmas chapter. @RavenclawxVibeZ very kindly suggested that I write headcannons for one of the Harry Potter eras. So I would like to thank them and give them the credit that they deserve for being the reason I'm writing this little chapter.

Without further ado, here are some Christmas headcannons from the marauders era that I wholeheartedly believe are canon.


enjoy :)

1. James starts preparing for Christmas the moment Halloween officially ends....

"Halloween was great this yea-" Remus begins. Although, his words are interrupted with the sight of the marauders dormitory already covered with Christmas decorations. There was a ginormous tree in the middle of the room. It was so big, it was almost touching the ceiling.

At the opposite and less decorated end of the room you could see James attempted to stuff a smaller Christmas tree under his bed. The boy was clearly in his own little world as he hummed along to a tune of a muggle Christmas song.

"Why are you stuffing a tree under your bed?" Remus asked, creeping up behind James as he does so. The shock of hearing Remus made James shriek and jump up. Unfortunately for him, his head was right under the bed, resulting in him hitting his head on the bed.

"Ow." He mumbled as he glared at Remus who was attempting poorly to hide his amusement.

"And for your information it was a backup tree, in case Minnie found out we have a big tree in our room."

2. Remus hid Christmas music from the marauders for as long as possible because he knew what would happen once they discovered it...

James and Sirius were walking back to their dorm room, returning from a prank they'd just done on the great hall. Enchanting every single ornament on the Christmas tree at the great hall to turn into an elf and run around whenever a student mumbled the word, 'Christmas'.

As they entered the room whilst laughing about their pure genius-ness, a simple tune made them stop in their tracks.

A simple yet catchy song was playing on the record player that Sirius had 'borrowed' from Lily. The boys had never heard something quite like it.

'Last Christmas I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year, to save me tears
I'll give it someone special'

Remus hummed along to the tune of the song as he folded his socks happily.

"What ya' listenin' to, Moony?"

Remus's eyes widened as he processed who's voice he'd just heard. Without looking up, he reached over and turned of the song that was playing. Only after he'd done so, he looked up at Sirius and James who were standing near Remus, both watching him with expecting faces.

"Uhm. Nothing much really." The tall boy mumbled.

"It sounded bloody amazing. What was it?"

"A Christmas song."

"Like those Christmas carols they make the Frog Choir sing?" James asked.


"What was the name of the song?" They pressed on.

"Last Christmas. And stop speaking in sync, it's creepy."

James glanced back at the record player for a split second, only to catch something red and green peeking out from underneath Remus's bed. He walks over and grabs it. To his surprise, he's holding a whole stack of Christmas vinyls.

Unable to hide his excitement he gasps and calls Sirius's name.

"Sirius! Look , there's more of them!"

"Moony how long have you bee hiding these from us?"

"Wait til' Wormtail finds out about these!" Sirius says as he and James both jump in excitement.

A few hours later, three boys were crying from joy after listening to every single single Christmas song they could find.

Fast forward to the next day, Remus was woken up with the noise of the boys performing Christmas songs to the rest of the Gryffindor common room.
The rest of these don't have a little story to accompany them because I just don't want to write that much.

3. Holiday shopping stresses Peter out.

4. Lily took Marlene, Alice, and Dorcas to see
Scrooge at a muggle place called a 'movie theater'.

5. One year on Christmas Day, James ran around  muggle neighborhoods in his stag form with a fake red nose on , pretending he was Rudolph. So that all the little kids would get excited about how they'd seen Rudolph on Christmas. He also 'coincidentally' happen to be running around Lily's neighborhood. Hah what a coincidence.

(AN: yes I'm aware Rudolph is a girl, it's still a cute headcannon that I made up in my head)

6. Remus always felt guilty for not having enough money to buy extravagant presents. So, instead he made sure he always have the most thoughtful presents.

7. When Sirius and Regulus were younger, they both used to sneak away to the rooftop of their home whenever there was a fancy Christmas gala  with the pureblood families. They just stayed up there and talked for hours whilst eating food they snuck from the kitchens.

Bye guys!! Happy holidays :)

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