Secrets of the Past

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The next day, the marauders were walking in the hallways with Lily Evans. James had an arm around Lily's shoulder and was smiling widely. The redhead girl has come to peace with the fact that she was going to marry the Potter boy.

She even said yes to James the last time he asked her on a date. What an interesting event that was.


James slid into the seat next to Lily's at the great hall. He sat down facing opposite of the table, leaning back to it, and facing his head towards the redhead woman.

"So Flower, how about we go on a date sometime?"

Hermione shared a glance with Harry and Ron. It had become a routinely thing for them to see the boy come over to Loretta Emberly every other day just to ask her on a date. A few others were watching as well.

Everyone expected Loretta to say no and carry on with her day like always, but were shocked instead. The girl turned to Jayden smiled at him and replied with, "Yes, I will."

James shrugged, turning away to walk back to his friends, until he finally processed the words that were said. He quickly whipped his head back around to see Lily still looking at him.

"Wait, did you just say yes?!?"

"I think you heard me Jayden." She replied sassily.

"OH MY GOD I GOT MY FLOWER" he picked Lily up and spun her around too many times. It seemed that James had resorted to calling Lily, flower just so he doesn't accidentally call her by her real name.

The other members of the marauders were smiling and smirking at the new couple. Peter leaned over to Remus' ear and whispered just quiet enough for only Remus to hear.

"That's going to be you and Padfoot one day, mark my words."

Peter smirked while Sirius just looked confused as of why Remus was blushing madly.


Out of nowhere, Professor McGonagall comes through to bustling crowds of students and towards the quintet. "Ms. Emberly!"

The marauders and Lily turned around to see their former transfiguration professor. "Oh hello professor, can we help you?" Lily asked the teacher kindly.

The professor smiled, "Yes, can I meet you five in my classroom by noon, I have some things I need to discuss with you all."

And without hearing a reply, McGonagall went rushing towards another student. "Potter come here..." her voice trailed of as she disappeared I to the overcrowded corridors of Hogwarts.


Remus opened the doors of Professor McGonagall's classroom so that they could all enter. They all saw Minnie sitting in her chair at her desk. Five chairs were across her desk, Minnie shot the quintet a soft smile as they walked in.

James smiled widely when he saw his former professor, "Hi Minnie!" Minerva rolled her eyes but continued to hold a win her face.

Some things never change. If only Sirius was still around, he would've been so happy to see him with Lily and James again, so full of life and mischief.

As soon as all of them entered, Minerva wandlessly shut the door and cast silencing charms, charms that were strong enough for Albus not to eavesdrop. "Hello James, and hello to rest of you all as well. Now, I'm assuming you're all curious as to why you all are here?"

They all nodded at the same time. Minnie sighed, silently debated whether or not this was a good decision or not. "Come sit down, have a biscuit if you'd like." 

Lily noticed the professor's hesitation to say something after that. "Professor is something wrong."

Minerva shook her head as smiled at the girl's concern for her. "No, Ms. Evans, I'm quite alright."

The teacher slightly leaned towards the students and said, "Now, I'm sure you've all found out a few things about all the things that've happened. Dumbledore told me specifically to not tell you all about this, but I think that you all deserve to know what's happened to all of you."

The marauders exchanged looks with Lily, all of them now aware as of why they were here.

McGonagall continued, "Now, how about I start with October 31st 1981, the night Lily and James Potter were killed by Lord Voldemort."

Im going to leave you guys in a cliffhanger because why not.

The next chapter's going to be a lot of information so buckle in.

Let's just say, Minnie won't hold back to tell them the worst of the worst things about this timeline.

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