Godric's Hollow

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The warm fall days were soon replaced with cold and chilly weather. The ground that was once full of orange and red leaves, now had a glaze of snow. Everyday was a cycle of traveling and searching. Weeks had gone by without Ron, Sirius, and Remus.

The only thing that kept them from going into insanity with the unknowing of their whereabouts was— the reassurance that they were together. Knowing that a man hadn't gone off alone into a place where he would be hunted for was...soothing.

The breeze picked up every once in a while, making their hair fly away from their face. Them clung tighter onto their coats for a bit more warmth. Together, the group of six, sat on a cliff. The surface being made of smoothened rocks.

"I found something." Hermione stated out of the blue. She pulled out a book from her pocket. James squinted his eyes and leaned his head a bit forward to read the wording written on the title page.

"At first I thought it was an eye, but I... know what I think it is." The edge of her fingers traced the symbol that was drawn on the top right of the page. A combination of a circle, line, and triangle.

"I know for a fact it isn't a rune." Peter said his thoughts out loud. His head was tilted to get a better view of the small symbol.

"It isn't anywhere on Spellman's syllabary." Hermione adds.

"Somebody drew that in. It's inked in." Lily investigates , to which Hermione nods in response, without looking up for a second.

"I saw Luna's dad wear that symbol. On his necklace." Harry says with sudden interest. Hermione slaps her hands down on her lap in defeat and confusion. She looks around her surroundings before asking to nobody in particular, "Why would someone draw on a children's book?"

Harry fiddles with the end of his jacket, debating if he should say what he wants to say or not.

"So I've been thinking..." He begins. Everyone turns to Harry, waiting for him to continue. Harry peers up to eye level, voicing, "I want to go to Godric's Hollow. And it's where I was born, it's where my parents died—if we don't think of this situation."

Lily's eyes soften at the remembrance that her older self isn't in this time period. James rubbed the crook of his neck.

"That's exactly why we'd expect you to want to go. It means something to you." Hermione states as she gets up from the rocks they were all sitting on. She begins to grab all of the items she has with her. The others unconsciously follow.

"But- it means something to him too, Hermione. You know, he almost died there. Isn't that the type of place where he'd hide a horcrux?"

"He does have a point there, Hermione." Lily tells the girl. Everyone turns to look at Lily, as it was the first time she'd spoken in this conversation. Let alone it being about visiting the very place she and her husband died.

"It's dangerous, yes, but what else have we got to lead by now?" James adds. By this point the whole group had gathered their belongings and were slowly trekking down the cliff of rocks.

Hermione suddenly speaks up with a voice of reason, "It could also be a potential location something else as well"

"What?" Peter and Harry simultaneously ask. They shoot each other half smiles at the small coincidence.

"The sword of Gryffindor."


At Ron's view came Diagon Alley. Only about 20 meters away. Sirius and Remus striding at his right. The three had traveled for weeks. Although, it was safe to say Ron did feel supported after he'd noticed that the two boys chose to go with him.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖊On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara