Clearing Things Up

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Sadly, this isn't a chapter, but it does have a few things addressed about the story that I would just like to clear up.

Remus's Furry Little Problem:
As many of you are probably aware, Remus is a werewolf and transforms every full moon into one due to his lycanthropy. So to clear things up, these full moon transformations have still been occurring, I just haven't written about any of them. The transformations are all pretty much the same as how it was back at the marauder's timeline. BUT, if you guys are interested in seeing one of Remus' transformations go down in this story, let me know!

Timeline of this story:
I have planned on having this story go on from the HBP era and all the way to the end of the second Wizarding War. Although, I also don't have any real fixed plan for how this story is going to go down, so we'll just be figuring this out together!

Updating and writing new chapters for this story really does depend on my mood and how much time I have in my life. So, I can't really have a fixed time for when I'll be updating or not. Although, I do try to write chapters for you guys as often as I can because I truly do enjoy writing them, it's just difficult to find the time to write them.

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