Amends Made

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"Reggie?" Sirius asked. The two walked along on a path in Hogsmede. They were still with the others, but were walking a few feet behind the rest.

"Hm?" Regulus hummed in response. He was still watching the crooked stones beneath his feet as he walked.

"How long have you been planning to destroy that horcrux?"

At these words, Regulus's eyes shot up and joined his brother's. Although Sirius's face was neutral, his eyes gave him away because of the flaring mixed emotions in them.

Regulus swallowed back a growing sense of unease as he thought about what he should say.

"A little while after mother and father had informed me I was to become a death eater. Roughly, I'd say it was the summer after my fifth year."

Sirius thought for a second as he connected the timing to what the role he played at the time. Then it clicked. That the same summer he ran away, his younger brother's fate was sealed by his parents to becoming a death eater.

"That was when..." Sirius began to spoke, though his voice was nothing but a mere whisper.


Sirius fell silent as his thoughts began to drown out the outside noise.

"I do not blame you. I would've done it too if I was brave enough."

"Brave enough? You've got to be shitting me."

At the sudden use of language, Regulus looks at Sirius and gives him a look, furrowing his eyebrows.

Sirius continues. "I mean. You literally risked your life for a chance to defeat him. If that's not bravery, then I don't know what is. Mother and father held onto you like a bloody leech only because you were their only hope for having the perfect blood purist Slytherin child." Sirius stopped talking though his tone said that he had more to say.

"Since when were you the wiser sibling?" Regulus attempts to lighten up the mood. He sends a smirk to his brother's direction.

"I'm sorry."

"What?" Regulus asks, taken aback, although he'd heard what Sirius had said. He looks at him with wide eyes.

"You heard me. I'm sorry for not bringing you with me. I could've, but I didn't because I was too much of a bloody coward to risk bringing you with me." Sirius muttered, still staring at the ground. A small pale leaf crunched under his feet. There were many things that Sirius Black was good at. Admitting to his wrongs was one of the things that he hated to accept as his weaknesses.

Regulus's eyes softened. The two of them both knew that Sirius couldn't have asked even if he wanted to because the two weren't close at that time. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, another voice spoke from in front of them.

"Oi, Come here you too! What're you walking all the way back there for?" Ron yelled, turning his head back to get a look at the brothers as he does. Once Ron caught a glimpse of the look on their faces his face dropped.

Turning back to Harry, who was walking next to him, he said. "I think I ruined the moment they were having." A mixed look of guilt, regret, and horror painted his face. Hermione rolled her eyes and smacked his head.

Ron mumbles. "Ow, mione! It's not like I meant to."

"Honestly, Ronald." Hermione scoffs.

Sirius and Regulus look at each other before bursting out into fits of laughter. They walk a bit faster until they've caught up with the rest of the group.

James nagged Lily once again. Grabbing her arm as he whined , "Love, you still haven't told us what you want to become when you're older yet."

Lily diverted her attention from Remus to James. After staring at James for a few seconds, she quickly said the first job that came to mind and went back to her conversation with Remus.

"Deer hunter."

All color washed away from James's face.

Sirius cackled, throwing his head back. Peter wasn't any better, clinging onto Sirius's arm for support so he wouldn't fall from how hard he was laughing.

"Ow! Wormtail, you're going to rip my arm out." Sirius dramatically whined as he ripped his arm away from Peter's clutch. Peter fell onto the ground because of the loss of support. Though his laughter only grew louder as he rolled onto the ground.

"Guys!" Hermione sharply whispered. Her tone silenced everyone immediately. They all look at Hermione.

Hermione warily looked around. Everyone had gone still. Only thing that could be heard was crickets croaking near them.

"Someone's here-"

"Avada Kedavra!"
Left y'all on a cliffhanger 😛😛

I'm completely burned alive from vacation but its okay I'll make it.

School just started again for me, which is fun, ig. And I saw a cute boy at school and then literally 3 hours later I found out he had a girlfriend 😀.

It's fine tho bc he isn't even all that.

Enough ab my life.

How was this chapter???

I'll try and update soon but we'll see.


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