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Marauders Timeline

19 years later...

"Sirius, darling, has Elara gotten ready yet?" Remus yelled from the kitchens.

The time travelers returned to their original timeline exactly 19 years ago now.

It was a surprisingly difficult thing to do, adjusting from a timeline to another. The marauders and Lily had stayed in the future the longest and they'd almost forgotten how much more alive the past had seemed compared to the future.

Almost immediately after they'd returned, the five of them set out to secretly eliminate Voldemort's horcruxes one by one. They made sure only a few people knew of their travels and information they brought back with them.

McGonagall was first of the later to be informed of their trip. By the time they'd finished explaining, Regulus could've sworn the woman had aged another decade after the conversation. Nonetheless, telling Minnie came very beneficial. Although she was heavily hesitant in letting a group of teenagers try and defeat the darkest wizard of their time, she was left with no choice but to agree.

It was either agree and help them or deny and let their stubborn arses do it on their own.

With the her help, they were able to kill each horcrux one by one. With the exception of having to buy extracted basilisk venom from a very illegal vendor at Knockturn Alley, everything went surprisingly smoothly.

As smooth as having to sneak into dark and sketchy places to locate parts of a person's soul can go. Much to the Gryffindor part of the group's delight, having a Slytherin with dark connections came in very handy.

Dumbledore was told of the time travelers' experience only after they had killed each horcrux. Their headmaster wasn't the most pleased to hear that they'd been hunting dark objects and destroying them for the past 3 months. However he was left only with one job that only he could guarantees-ably complete.

Kill Voldemort.

"Dad. Do you even realize that this is Dadfoot we're talking about here? He's the one who hasn't gotten ready yet." The said girl stated, rolling her eyes sarcastically.

Many who have met Elara Lupin-Black say she is most definitely Sirius's carbon copy. With her sleek, pitch black hair and moon-like grey eyes, it is no mystery where they get that idea from. However, if you asked anyone who truly knew her—like Harry, the Black Twins, or Aurelia—Elara was exactly like Remus.

She was always seen with a book in her hand, wearing a big sweater that she most likely stole from Remus's ever growing collection.

"Ah, of course." Remus hummed before continuing, "Have you got all your things in your trunk? What about Glinda? That cat always is chasing after rats, no wonder your Uncle Peter is so terrified of her."

Before the girl could respond, loud approaching footsteps interrupted her.

"I have arrived!" Sirius sung. He spun himself around the pole at the end of the staircase that he just came down from. 

"Finally, you take longer than our own daughter, Sirius. Come on! The others are probably waiting for us at the Platform." Remus huffed as he begun heading towards the entrance by the main sitting room.

"It was all for you though, darling." Sirius winked at Remus. The man rolled his eyes but he couldn't prevent his blushing face from betraying him. Elara gagged at the sight of her fathers' flirting and pulled a disgusted face.

"Alright alright—come on now, Lar, take a hold of my hand." Sirius waved his daughter over and gestured her to hold his own hand. The man laughed at the sight of the girl's eyes light up when she realized they'd be apparating to the platform.

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