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It was as if the sky had known what was happening too. A mixture of dark and faded blue swirls in the sky. A crackling sound of thunder was in the air, and yet there was no storm.

Perhaps it was because the storm hadn't arrived just yet.

After nearly escaping a herd of dementors—being saved by Abeforth, fortunately—Harry had to hurry to the shrieking shack. Hermione and Ron insisted to join him as well, claiming they wouldn't dare let him simply walk in the hands of Voldemort without any help.

Much to Harry's dismay, the time travelers insisted on staying with him. Although, with far too much arguing, Hermione was able to convince Sirius, Peter, and Remus to go back to the castle. Her argument being that they still needed people to make sure they knew what was happening. Sirius was the first one to be convinced, Remus reluctantly followed along as well because he refused to leave Remus.

Which left, James, Lily, Regulus, and the golden trio to go after Voldemort. Regulus was a bit farther from the shrieking shack, but still in sight for the eyes. The plan for him was that if any death eater came stumbling along their way, he'd be able to tell the others quickly.

Regulus insisted on taking this task up, claiming that he'd be the only one that'd be able to convince a death eater to spare him in case of an emergency. The boy also just wanted some time to take in everything and think.

But he didn't say that part to the others.

In the distance, Lily could still make out smoke coming from the fires in the courtyard.

As they reach the area closest to their target, the group of five quickly hunched down and hid behind boxes and carts that were scattered across the side. The only thing separating them from a walking  death trap was a reflective, paned glass wall. No matter how thick the wall was, the group could still make out much of the conversation.

For as much as they could hear, it was Voldemort and Snape talking. Which meant the snake was most likely there as well.

"...tonight. When the boy comes, it will not fail you, surely. It answers to you. And you only."

"Does it?"

"My lord."

"The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know...where does its true loyalty lie?" The group listening outside could hear the wood creaking beneath a person's feet. Someone was shifting around, all they could hope as that it wasn't towards them.

Lily looked back at James, who was crouching a few inches behind her, sending him an anticipating look. She quickly turned back around at the sound of a voice speaking up again.

"With you, of course, my lord." The words spoken seemed almost robotic and practiced.

"The elder wand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The elder wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus."

Lily shut her eyes as she tried to push aside the idea of what Voldemort was pushing towards. She despised Severus for all he'd done, for what he said to her and her son. And yet, there was still a part of her that hurt at the thought of seeing her former friend face something so cruel. But yet again, he did put this upon himself...

Voldemort continued, "While you live the elder cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live, forever."

"My lord-" Severus begins to say, but his words are cut off with a quiet gasp. The group hiding outside heard a sharp slashing sound followed by a loud thud, what they could only assume was that Severus had fallen. They jumped slightly at the sudden sound.

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