Bill and Fleur's Wedding

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Bill and Fleur danced together as everyone cheered the newly wedded couple on. Although, it seemed they were too lost in each other to even hear the crowd.

Ron was sitting beside Peter and Harry. The three, watching Remus and Sirius, and Lily and James have the time of their lives dancing. Although, Ron's attention was stolen away when he saw a glimpse of familiar brown hair. His face reddens at the sight of Hermione. Peter noticing this, nudges Ron's shoulder, gesturing him to go to the girl and make a move.

"I- I can't, mate. It's not like that."

"Mhm. And I'm a goblin. We can both make up lies, Ronald. Now go and ask her to dance before that really good looking bloke goes to her." Peter says, his eyes lingering on Viktor Krum, who was gazing at Hermione. Ron follows his eyes to see this and immediately stands up. For a second, he stands there, not sure what to do.

Harry, who was watching the the exchange between Peter and Ron, pushes Ron forward with a hand, which makes the redhead boy stumble towards Hermione.

Ron turns back and glares at Harry, not because of the fact that he pushed him. But because of the fact that it really bloody hurt when one of Harry's rings had stabbed his back accidentally.

Harry just smiles sweetly at Ron. Harry's eyes trail off, until they land on his friend. He gets up and goes to the blonde girl, not before turning to Peter and muttering a, "I'll be right back."

Peter simply rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his magically refilling cup of gillywater.

They always bloody leave me for the girls.

Looking around the room carelessly, he catches another pair of eyes staring at him. Peter smirks when the girl maintains the eye contact, instead of breaking it. Setting his drink down, he strides over to the girl, confidently, in the back of his mind hoping he doesn't look an idiot.


A shimmering blue ball of light lands into the middle of the tent, causing everyone to back away in shock and fear.

From the light, spoke a deep voice.

"The ministry has fallen, the minister of magic is dead. They're coming... they are coming." The voice trails off as the ball go light absorbs into the thin air.

Chaos breaks out all around. Death eaters appear in the tent and one of them lights a part of the tent on fire. People scramble to find their loved ones. Sirius and Remus clutched each other's hands tightly as they look around for the other.

Peter stepped back from the girl he was dancing with and tried locating his friends. Once he caught Lily and James beside Harry with their wands clutched in their hands, he said goodbye to the girl.

"It was lovely to meet you! Uhm- we probably won't see each other again, but just so you know I'll remember you! Hopefully..." Peter yelled in the deranged-ness. With one last look he went off leaving the poor girl in a state of confusion from the rejection and worry as to what would happen next.

Hermione sees Peter scrambling towards Harry, James, and Lily. She pats Ron on the chest making him look up, confused.


"I found them! Come!"

The present time Remus sights a spell being shot towards Harry and pushes himself in front of Harry, causing them to both stumble back.

"Harry! Go!"

The golden trio, and the time travelers all joined hands and they apparated away. Present time Remus catches the time travelers going as well the second they started to apparate. He sprints to grab them away from the trio but but the time be reaches them. They were all gone.

'No! No, no, no. I can't lose them, again. Especially not now...'
At Hogwarts...

The school year was growing closer to beginning. The old professor's worries only grew as well.

Minerva stared at the book she'd taken from the library. An old tattered book that was hand written completely in Latin. Luckily, Minerva had learned Latin during her school times.

The book was closed with a piece of ribbon sticking out about halfway through the book. Marking a part of the book she'd found particularly fascinating.

DUOS TIMELINES', the title read.

or translated,


Today, McGonagall seemed to have finally found the time to read the book. And so the woman snuck away to one of the only unpredictable places in the castle.

The Room of Requirement.

The wall she was standing in front of, carved into the shape of a door. Opening it, there was a small but comfortable reading room. A table with two chairs in the side of the room. She set the book down on the table and opened it to the page. She began reading the scripture in the book.

'Aquila Romean, an inquisitive young man. Born in the year 1692, in a small town lying beside York. Both his mother and father were unknown, leaving Romean to fend for himself .

Throughout his younger stages of adolescence, the boy never quite fit in with the rest. With eyes so dark, they seem like a void, and abilities that were considered unholy where he lived.

Village folks had seen him talk to reptiles, quite oftentimes those creatures were snakes. Those same people who seen him do such things, reported the boy to the churches. Although, before the pastors had a chance to even see the boy's face, Romean seem to have disappeared. Leaving no trace, and the muggle town he used to live in.

September 1st, 1704, Aquila Romean had started his first year at Hogwarts. He was not surprisingly sorted into Ravenclaw. His intellectual strength, eye for detail, and deep connection to the dark arts was enough to leave the teachers wary.

The boy's skill for dark arts left, getting bullied miserably. As he grew up in his life, even after Hogwarts, he wasn't able to pursue his dream of becoming an auror due to his dark magic abilities.

Unsatisfied with his life, Romean turned back to the books for answers and solutions. He found himself invested in the art of creating magic spells.

He was 26 when he created his first time turning spell. It essentially worker exactly like a time turner. He was soon to realize it was of no use, considering he couldn't be caught when he's travels back in time.

A trial he was doing with the spell ended with him having to live in the 1800s.

Referring back to his knowledge, he made a time reversal spell that could bring you back to the exact moment of time you desire, but keeps a version of yourself in the same reality you are currently living in.'

A small written note on the margin stated, 'In simpler words, if you are dead in the time you've time traveled to, you can use the spell to travel into another reality where it is another time period, but with you are the form of what you are in that time period. For example, if you are a baby to the time of which you choose to travel to, you've automatically become that baby and are no longer your older self that you were before.'

The page ended with another note at the bottom,


I really hope the Aquila Romean's story made sense. In my head it made sense.

If it didn't make any sense, just ignore and the summary of that part was that a guy named Aquila Romean made a spell that split timelines.

Anyways, how's everyone's day going?

I'm sorry, it's been I've updated the story. I don't even have an excuse this time, I've just been too lazy to write.

But I can feel my writer era coming.


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