Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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It was the next day and Lily was heading downstairs for breakfast. As she descended downstairs she noticed that the boys weren't their. She didn't want to just sit there and wait for then to arrive. she didn't know how longer it will take them to get ready. After careful consideration, she decided to go into their dorm.

As she walked up the creaky wooden stairs, she prayed to Merlin that none of the boys inside that dorm were naked. She stepped towards their door, knocking a few times.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

No answer.

So she did the one thing she's somewhat dreaded to do, she put her hand on the rusted metal door knob and twisted it. Not much to her shock, the door opened. Those irresponsible little-

Her thought was interrupted with this site in front of her. She silently snickered to what she saw. There are two identical beds in the dorm, Remus and Sirius sharing one of them, James and Peter in the other.

Remus was spooning Sirius as they peacefully slept. On the other hand, Peter had stolen all of the blanket from James. James was half on the bed, half hanging off it, and was quietly snoring with his mouth wide open.

Lily got an idea at that moment. Her friends have been victims to a few of the marauder's pranks, why not get some payback. She quietly creeped up to the boy's beds and pointed her wand at them while nonverbally cast a spell.


Water shot out of the redhead's wand, hitting the boy's faces. Sirius was the first one to wake up. He shot out of bed as fast is the speed of  sound.

"What the fuck!"

Remus and Peter slowly woke up, rubbing their eyes. James on the other hand was still sleeping. But that only lasted for a short moment because when Sirius yelled, he also woke up. He groaned loudly before saying, "Too early for your shit Padfoot." He opened his eyes and say Lily standing by their beds, smirking triumphantly. "Flower! How are you? What are you doing here?" Suddenly he wasn't feeling tired at all.

" Get up you lot, it's already almost noon. I'll be waiting downstairs." Lily said as she turned and walked out of the door.

Time Skip to them at breakfast

Lily and the boys were sitting at a table in a corner, quietly discussing their plans for today. They had already finished breakfast. It was a good thing that professor McGonagall had told Tom that she'd pay for any of the groups' purchases at the pub. They didn't have any money, except for the money that Sirius was given, that McGonagall had taken out of his vault for him.

"So Flower-" James began, but was soon interrupted by Lily groaning. "Ugh, when will you stop with the nicknames!"

"Never." James smirked and continued what he was saying. "AS I WAS SAYING, Me and the boys were thinking about going to that joke shop that Minnie was talking about. Of course we're gonna be wearing our glamour charms like we are right now, I'm not that dumb."

Remus looked at James suspiciously when he said that statement, "You sure about that last part, Prongs?" The messy haired boy with glasses just rolled his eyes and went back to looking at Lily expectantly.

Lily smiled, she was too a bit curious to see what the big deal was about, and said, " Sure, just let me get my bag from upstairs. Besides it's probably a good idea to go since will be needing a few last minute supplies for the school year."

Lily quickly went upstairs to grab her bag and went downstairs again, where the boys were waiting for her, all four of them looking like a little kids about to go to the candy store. Well, we must actually was more staring it Sirius, who looked maybe even more excited than James.

The group of five stepped out of the doors, a wave of air hitting them. They'd expected to see the colorful buildings that were scattered around and Diagon Alley, but they saw a sight that was absolutely heart shattering.

Almost all of the buildings there were completely destroyed, windows were shattered, the shards of glass lying on the ground. It was almost as if a gloomy cloud had taken over Diagon Alley.

Peter clasped his hand to his mouth and gasped after seeing the sights in front of him. James and Sirius were completely baffled. Lily stood there in shock. They were all thinking one thing. What in happened here?!

Remus said what they were thinking out loud, "What in Merlin's name happened here?!?"

Peter continued with saying, "Is this what the professors were so reluctant about telling us?" He stared at the others.

With great cautiousness, Lily and the marauders walked through the empty cracked pathways that they once knew to be a brick road that used to be packed with the witches and wizards and muggleborns at all times.

There was one building that greatly contrasted the rest. It was at 93, a bright colorful shop that was packed with young wizards and witches. The front of the shop, by the windows was a giant replica of a redhead boy that was lifting his top hat that he was wearing. Underneath the hat was a bunny sitting in the ginger bed of hair. In gold writing, the name of the shop was written.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

The group's eyes widened and glinted with amazement, even Lily's. Suddenly their moods were immediately lifted, even the being in the presence of the shop had made them all crack a smile. James and Sirius practically bounced with excitement and said, " This must be it!"

Remus chuckled at the boys in front of him, "What at we waiting for? Let's head inside!"

As soon as they entered through the door, they saw several pranking toys flying around the shop. There were kids walking on walls, tiny dragons breathing fire, and a figurine of a lady on a tightrope whilst riding a unicycle?

It was chaos to sum things up.

But the best kind.

There were two identical looking boys that were wearing suits, the group could only assume that they were the owners because of the fact that they looked exactly like the giant man at the front of the shop.

It's safe to that Lily, and especially the boys had enjoyed their trip to the shop. Although, the thought of the destroyed alleys still lingered in the back of their minds.

This is a bit of a filler chapter but I hope you all don't mind.

The chapter after this one will be about going to Hogwarts and all of that jazz.

Also, we're already at 100 reads?!? Holy Fuck that's amazing. I'm so grateful for every one of you, for reading my story and hopefully enjoying it.

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