Poisoned Chocolates

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It was Ron Weasley's birthday. The boy woke up to a pile of presents right by his bed, making him greatly loved and appreciated.

The marauders decided to bring their own tradition of hosting each other parties, to the future, hosting Ron his own party with all his close friends.

It seemed that they'd forgotten to invite Ron's girlfriend, Lavender Brown. Their faces displaying their surprise when they saw Lavender happily invite herself to Ron's party.

After having a party with all his friends in the Gryffindor common room, it's safe to say Ron was exhausted... and hungry. Even after eating about half of his ginormous cake that the house elves of Hogwarts oh so kindly made for him.

And so, after the party ended, he ran off back to his dorm to find his secret stash of droobles.

Unfortunately for him, the marauders came barging into the dorm room before he had the chance to grab out the delicious candy. They claimed that all the guys needed to have a 'sleepover' and that it was 'tradition'.


Remus was sitting in the dorm room that Harry and Ron share.

Although, it was only him, Sirius, Ron, and Peter. James had ran off to, 'kiss his lover a good night'. Harry had ran off to... Merlin knows where.

On Harry's bedside table sat a box of Chocolate Cauldrons. The sweets were given to the scar headed boy by Romilda Vane, the girl who has a very obvious crush on him.

Ron glanced over at the chocolates, his stomach growling a bit and his mouth watering at the thought of a snack.

At last, he gives in to his hunger and asks the marauders, and himself,

"You don't think Harry would mind if I eat one or two of those chocolates?" Ron asked, looking up towards the others for a second then focusing his gaze back to the chocolates.

Peter glanced over at the place where all the sweets were. He then looks back at Ron and shrugs before saying, "Probably not, he didn't care about them all that much when Romina gave those to him."

"It's, Romilla, Pete. Not Romina." Sirius asks and made a loud snorting noise. Peter reddened with slight embarrassment at the words that Sirius said.

"Right." Peter muttered.

Remus sighed. "You idiots are both wrong, it's Romilda." The boy playfully rolls his eyes at the two. Peter and Sirius silently agree with Remus, knowing that Moony is almost never wrong.

Meanwhile the side conversation between the boys was occurring, Ron had already reached over and grabbed the tempting sweets.

He plopped one in his mouth and let out a loud sigh of delight, making the others turn to him.

Remus glanced down at the chocolate and cleared his throat, sticking his palm out towards Ron. Ron grabbed a hand full of the chocolates and handed it over to the boy.


Harry put his hand over the door knob to his and Ron's dorm, twisted it and opened the door casually. Immediately his eyes widened at the chaos.

On the floor was an empty box of chocolate cauldrons. A couple of half eaten piece lying on the floor. On the other side of the room was an enormous pile of books, some opened, some stacked up on top of one another.

Peter was sitting on the floor with two books in his hands. His head moving back and fourth rapidly between the two books as if he was searching for something.

Sirius was standing in between Remus and Ron, who were arguing with each other. Sirius's hair disheveled and messy for the first time, a look of real panic on his face.

Harry's ears were filled with loud voices, all talking over each other.

"Sirius, I can't find anything!!"




Harry looked back and fourth between everything happening. "EVERYONE, SHUT IT."

Everyone and everything grew silent. They all looked over at Harry, who too had widened eyes at his outburst. He quickly cleared his throat and collected himself.

"Thank you, Ginny." Harry muttered under his breath while looking down. He looked back up again and asked them, "What is going on?"

Sirius and Peter looked at each other for a second then back at Harry.

"Well, we don't really know, but-" Sirius started.

"We think it has something to do with Remus and Ron eating those chocolate cauldrons over there. Ever since the two have eaten them, they've been saying that they're in love with Romilda Vane." Peter finished, moving his head to the direction of the chocolates that were lying on the ground now.

Harry gaped at the two, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. He peered over at Remus and Ron who were now busy staring at the night sky with dreamy expressions on their faces.

"Ron?" Harry asks, to which Ron lets out our a hum in response.

"You like... Romilda?" Ron rapidly nods his head.

"I'm in love with her." He says passionately, dragging himself to Harry.

"Alright! Alright! You're in love with her! Have you ever actually met her?" Harry replies back, moving back slightly.

"No... can you introduce me?" Ron asks innocently.

Remus also pops in the conversation, saying, "Introduce me too!"

"Alright then! Let's go, we're going to go meet Romilda." Harry signals everyone to follow him as he reaches for the door. Remus and Ron both scramble to the door quickly. Sirius grabs Harry by the shoulder, leans to his ear and asks.

"What are you doing?" Sirius asks, concerned for Remus and suspicious of Harry's plans.

"Trust me, Padfoot." Harry smiled, making Sirius's expression soften.

"Ok." Sirius mutters softly.

I'm so sorry, I didn't add the next part of this scene! I wanted to give you guys an update as soon as possibly.

How is everyone today?

I'm a little stressed but it's okay, stupid school.

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. This story is already at 15K READS. WHATT. Thank you guys so much, you guys have no idea how happy that makes me.

bye :)

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