Hogwarts Express

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After spending a rather confusing time at Leaky Cauldron, it was fair to say that the group were ready to go to Hogwarts.

Currently, the boys were in their room, trying to pack up their clothes. Keyword in that sentence was, 'trying'.

During the chaos of packing clothes, Sirius "accidentally" threw a pillow at Remus's head. Which led to Remus throwing the pillow back, but it landed on Peter, who was just trying to find his pair of socks. Soon enough, they were just having a full on pillow fight. That was until they were interrupted when a frantic Lily barged in.

"Are you all ready yet?!? The train leaves in an hour."

The boys just stood there kind of awkwardly, wondering what to say next. It was quite obvious that they still needed to pack a bit. Lily stood there by the door, gaping at the several pillows that were littering the floor.

" What's this mess?!"

"Well um, we were packing, and then we-" Lily interrupted Remus before saying.

"-decided to have a pillow fight instead?" She crossed her arms frustratingly. Although James, who always payed extra attention to his love, noticed the slight glint of amusement in her eyes. Which made a smile appear on his face.

"We'll be ready in 10 minutes Lilyflower." James simply said before leaving to go to the bathroom. He would've said that they still had loads of time left to get ready, since they could just use some sort of magical transportation to arrive at King's Cross. But he and boys probably didn't want to face an angry Lily Evans.


All of the boys had finally gotten ready and the group had arrived at King's Cross. They spotted the familiar red train, although it didn't feel the same. It felt more dark. Instead of parents giving loving hugs and kisses goodbye to their children, parents were clinging onto them like they would be gone forever once they stepped onboard.

They went into the train and started finding an empty spot to sit together in. Peter then got an idea.

"Why don't we try finding our compartment!"

"That's a great idea Wormtail!" Sirius backed up.

"How will we possibly be able to find your compartment on this ginormous train?" Lily challenged.

All of the marauder's eyes glinted as they remembered what had happened in their 4th year.


The group of pranksters were sitting in their compartment peacefully. Sirius was lying his head down on Remus's lap, closing his eyes as he felt Remus gently tangle one of his hands into Sirius's hair. One thing that everyone noticed was that Sirius always was more comfortable around Remus than the other marauders.

James ruined the peace and quiet by randomly yelling out loud. "GUYS I HAVE AN IDEA."

Peter jumped slightly at the abrupt noise. Remus looked up from his book with an annoyed expression. Sirius just groaned with annoyance, already missing Moony's fingers in his hair.

James ignored their reactions and continued speaking, "What if we mark this compartment with our initials. We've sat in the same one since first year. It can be a way to show everyone that the famous marauders used to sit here." He made slight jazz hands as he dramatically said the last part.

The other three looked at the boy with curious expressions.

End of Flashback.

The marauders smirked knowingly.

Remus said, "Don't worry, we'll find it."

Much to Lily's disbelief and doubt, the boys did find it. And in less than 5 minutes too. They all sat down and got comfortable. James insisted on sitting with Lily alone on one side, so the rest of the lot were sitting across the two. The compartments were pretty big, probably big enough to fit 8 people. Although they look tiny from the outside, everyone just assumes it was some extension spell done on the inside of the compartments.

The train started moving, Peter shifted in his sit and said, "Doesn't it feel a bit, you know, surreal being in the future and all."  Sirius continued with saying, "Yeah, I know right?!? Like, I could be attending this school year with my kids! Prongs, I bet that my kid and yours are best friends."  Sirius and James both made identical, smug faces, indicating that they both agree with the last part.

The rest of the train ride was spent having conversations and small arguments, specifically in between Lily and James. It seemed that James was still persistent on asking her out, even when they were over 10 years in the future. The group's anticipation built, as the train ride progressed.

They were hoping that going to Hogwarts would answer their questions. The train stopped, indicating that they'd arrived.

They were at Hogwarts...again.
I know this is a shorter chapter than I usually do, but the next chapter is longer than usual so I guess it kind of balances it out.

Fun Fact: I have a working Hogwarts train set in my room. Probably way too old to have it, but I don't give a fuck.

I hope you all will be having a marvelous day!

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