Grimmauld Place

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As the group was talking about how the Death Eaters even knew that Harry was there, Lily inhales a gasp with a look of realization plastered on her face. Everyone in the group become quiet and turn to Lily. The girl turn a bit  red when she realizes how loudly she'd gasped.

"What happened?" Harry looked at his mother with a concerned expression.

"It's your birthday, and we prepared a cake-" Lily scrambled out. Now it was Hermione's turn to wear the look of shock as she remembers as well.

"Ginny, Lily, and I. We prepared a cake." Hermione adds.

"I appreciate the gesture, really. But, cake is the last thing on my mind right now."

"Like, how were literally almost killed by death eaters in a coffee shop without even getting a taste of these delicious croissants." Sirius says, whilst pointing at the ginormous bag of bakery goods in his hands.

"Where did you get that?" Remus asked, saying out loud what everyone was thinking in their heads.

"I bought a few things for the rest of the journey."

"A few?!?!"

"And by bought, do you mean stole once the poor waiter ran away?" Ron says.

"It's not stealing if you never got caught." Peter adds whilst wearing a grin on his face. Sirius matches the grin on Peter's face and nods in agreement.

The group grows quiet as they all seem to be focusing about moving. The packed streets around them bring them to the realization that there could a death eater anywhere around the corner lurking.

"We have to get off this street and to somewhere safe."

Eventually, they found themselves standing in front of a place that was familiar to everyone. Harry had hesitated at first when the idea popped up in his head. He was aware that the place probably would hold unwanted memories for Sirius. Although, it was the safest place he could think of.

As two buildings that were connected started connecting, it revealed another building. Sirius stared at the structure for a bit, lost in thought, or more specifically memories. Memories that seemed like old nightmares, clouding his childhood. People always remember nightmares more vividly than dreams.

The marauders stood close by Sirius as they all enter the house. Remus clutching Sirius's hand in his, never letting go once. Lily couldn't help but be curious as of what Sirius's home was like. She'd heard of how dark and gloomy it always was, but she'd never seen it with her own eyes.

The door creaks a bit as Harry opens it, They all step into a poorly lit hallway. In seconds of the door closing behind them, a plume of dust or smoke enlarges from the ground. The cloud swirls into a figure of man rapidly moving closer to them. Smaller details began to be sculpted as he moves closer and closer. The image of a terrifying replica of Dumbledore is revealed.

The huddle's eyes widen as the figure of smoke reaches over to them. Just as it touches them, the smoke crumbles into nothing and blends back into the air, that was now slightly foggy.

"What was that all about?" Ron says breathlessly. Many of the others nodding in agreement.

"Probably Mad-Eye's idea. In case anyone decided to come snooping." Hermione replies, looking to her right and at Ron, who was already staring at her. She clears her throat slightly and turns back to face forward, feeling her cheeks get warmer. Despite the cold temperature of the room.

"We're alone." Remus says after a pause of silence. The house was absolutely and chillingly still.

Best if they start getting comfortable for the night.


Sirius couldn't sleep.

Everyone else had practically passed out hours ago and yet Sirius still stayed awake on the floor tossing and turning. The place that he was in all seemed so familiar. Nothing had changed even after the Order made it their Headquarters.

At some point he gave up on his mission of sleep and decided to get up to walk around.

Maybe that might help make him more tired.

He walked around the dark and empty hallway. The dark wooden flooring creaking a bit as he stepped on a loose plank. Somehow, Sirius found himself walking into the drawing room. He turned to look at the intricate tapestry of the entire Black family tree.

His eyes mindlessly trailed along from the beginning of his family. From his grandparents, to his parents, and then to...

Sirius stops, noticing that his photo was one of the multiple that were burned off. He takes a step back. What he hated most in that moment was that he was the least bit surprised. It seemed exactly like his parents to do something as such. They always were quite, 'traditional'.

Shaking his sadness away, he leaves the room in hopes of forgetting what he'd seen. The boy returns to the room they were sleeping in. To his surprise, he's greeted with Remus standing by a kettle. He was rubbing his eye in tiredness as he waited for his water to boil.

Sirius approached the boy and hugged him from behind.

Remus woke up a bit as he felt arms wrap around him. Although, he immediately recognizes the touch to be of his boyfriend's.

"You alright, m' love?" Remus asks quietly, although loud enough for Sirius to hear.

"Mhm, peachy. You?" Sirius mumbles back. The sarcasm in his voice making Remus roll his eyes.

"Just needed some water."

A moment of silence goes by in between the two. Sirius digs his face in the crook of Remus's neck, closing his eyes as he does so.

"You don't have to tell me what's wrong right now. Later is perfectly fine." Remus adds.

"Thank you, darling."

"Of course. Now go back to sleep."

Sirius groans at this. "But the floor is so uncomfortable. We've got plenty of bedrooms upstairs."

Remus turns around and gives Sirius a stern look. "It's best if we stay together. In case of emergency." He places his hands on his hips and nods to the makeshift bed on the floor.

Sirius pouts at Remus one last time and drags his feet back to the pathetic excuse of a bed.

Ron turns over and mumbles incoherently in his sleep.

"You better not put those brussel sprouts in my knickerbocker glory, Krum."

Don't mess with Ron's knickerbocker glory.

What'd you guys think of this chapter?? I really enjoyed writing this one.

I hope all of you lovely people are doing great today, if you aren't then there's always tomorrow. Well technically there isn't always going to be a tomorrow, but you get the point.

Remember to eat and take care of yourself!

Happy New Year, everyone :)

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