Dinner Parties

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Harry is sat at one of the chairs at the large circular table. Hermione at his right and his mother at his left. He and Lily made eye contact and shot identical smiles at each other, both silently agreeing that this isn't going to be very interesting night.

Remus had made the wise decision of staying back in the Gryffindor towers with Sirius instead of attending the party. Lily, Harry, and Hermione all were wishing that they had also stayed too.

After the conversation in the ROR, the group had become much closer. Ironically enough, Ron and Peter had gotten along quite well, which was a pleasant surprise to both of them. Remus was always giving random bits of advice to Hermione, Harry, and Ron. Lily could always be found studying with Hermione for an upcoming exam, spending lost time with her son, or with her boyfriend.

James, although was the most immature, was also the mother of the friend group. He was always running around back and fourth making sure his friends, mostly Harry and Lily, didn't need anything. Sirius was the 'cool' uncle (according to him), always giving bad advice to Harry and acting like he's some wise old man when his godson needs anything from him.

It was safe to say that Harry was very happy with his life at that moment. He felt a missing gap in his heart be filled as he knew that his parents and uncles were now there by his side. The circumstances were a bit bizarre, but absolutely perfect still.

He just hoped it would stay like this for as long as it can.

Harry turned back to his dish full of his supper and took a small bite from it.

"What about your Uncle Belby? Those of you who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane potion. Is he working on anything new?"

Lily looked up curiously from her food as she heard the mention of the potion and looked over at Hermione and Harry. She'd found out of Remus' condition towards the end of fourth year, when her and Remus had gotten close enough for Remus to feel comfortable enough to tell her.

Of course Lily was nothing but supportive.

The potion had made Remus' transformations much easier. He'd started being provided it by Madam Pomfrey, ever since the moment the potion started being sold and was approved of being functional.

Marcus responded to Slughorn's question, "I don't know, him and dad don't get on."He mumbled some more barely understandable words as he shoved another large bite into his mouth.

Slughorn quickly changed the subject to Hermione as he was seemingly losing interest. "What about you Ms. Granger? What exactly does your family do in the muggle world?"

Some purebloods perked up in interest, being curious of what muggles do for a living.

Hermione seemed a bit uncomfortable with the attention but still responded, "My parents are dentists."


Lily looked over at Harry, the same time he looked over at her and shared similar knowing smiles.

Harry tried to not act smug about the fact that he was one of the only people who understood what a dentist was and looked around innocently in a similar fashion like the rest.

"They tend to people's teeth."

"Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?" Slughorn says, keen to know what the profession is.

Lily hid a smile creeping up on her face as she watches the scene unfold.

"No. Although one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed time stitches." Hermione let out a soft laugh after saying.

Lily slipped out a laugh but covered it with a cough.

The sound of a door opening, interrupted the silence. From the opening door, emerged Ginny. The girl had clearly been crying, it being obvious from the redness and puffyness of her eyes.

Slughorn leaned back on his chair and saw the girl come over. "Ah! Miss Weasley, Come in, come in."

Hermione leaned closer to Lily and Harry. "Look at her eyes, they've been fighting again. Guaranteed"

"Sorry, I'm not usually late."

Harry stood up from his chair and awkwardly stood there. Lily looked around to see that everyone was staring at Harry now and tugged his blazer subtly but roughly enough for Harry to understand the message and sit back down.

After everyone'd settled down a bit from the disruption, Slughorn moved the topic to Lily. "How about you, Miss Emberly? What do your parents do?"

Slughorn was one of the few professors that didn't know of Lily and marauders' identities. Dumbledore had decided that based from Slughorn's history, not telling him would be a wiser choice.

Lily cleared her throat. "Oh. Well, my mother and father are both living in France as of now. My mother's a Healer and my father's an Arthimancer. The jobs are practically the same as they are here." The girl made sure to leave no room for questions, as she was aware of Slughorn's curious nature.

Slughorn seemed to believe her and went back to have a scoop of his supper after she finished saying those words.

Soon after the party ended and everyone quickly left, dying to leave the awkward silence.

Lily and Hermione walked a bit slower than the rest, as Harry was walking at the speed of a snail.

Slughorn wished them all goodbye as the rest left.

Harry looked up at Lily and Hermione and whispered to them, "You two go on without me, I've got something to ask him."

Lily looked at her son curiously, Harry noticed this and told her, "I'll tell you everything when I get back, mum. Love you."

"I love you too, sweety." Lily whispered back and patted Harry's cheek in a motherly fashion.

A satisfied Lily left soon with Hermione, leaving Harry and Slughorn to have their conversation.
A bit of a filler chapter, but it just felt necessary for the plot of the book.

I know this was a bit boring, but I promise, next chapter will be more eventful.

Anyways, how are we all today? My day's  been alright, not awful I'd say.

Q: Dream place to visit?
I don't really have one, I'm just happy to travel anywhere outside of the country.


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