U.A. Entrance Exam

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Two years have passed with Izuku gaining the power of One For All and becoming the student of All Might.

At lot has changed for the boy. Throughout the two years of Junior High, after news of Bakugo being taken down by him was spread, no one bothered him for those two whole years.

While in those two years, Izuku trained One For All with All Might as the latter showed him how to use it and the different possibilities of using it with his Gum-Gum Quirk. While they did that, the two were unaware that a small figure was watching them clean the beach and training.

Oh, and he also got the contact info for both Momo and Ochaco, so he became friends with the two. Over the years, they kept in contact with him after they met each other with him, which to be honest was really awkward.

Right now, a 19-year-old Izuku was running for the U.A. Entrance Exam location. As he continued running, he got a text message from Momo, which said:

"Good luck on the exam, Midoriya!"

Izuku smiled before seeing another text from Ochaco, which was from a couple of minutes ago, that read:

"Today's the day! See you there!"

Honestly, he forgot how Ochaco told him she was going to U.A. as well. Well, he was happy that she was participating in this exam.

Izuku passed by a train station to see that a giant villain was making chaos around the place, with people looking at the incident.

"What the?"

"Canyon Cannon!"

A large woman came flying and kicked the villain down. Once she landed, the giant lady turned to face them.

"What a fantastic day for my debut! I'm Mt. Lady! And I'm happy to make your Ass-quaintance~" She showed off her ass for photographers to pour on out.

"This is it, this is it, this is it," they kept on repeating while taking shots of Mt. Lady's ass.

"Perverts." Izuku muttered before looking back at Mt. Lady, who noticed him and flaunted her ass at him.

"...I won't lie, she's thick."

With the incident clear, Izuku continued down the path. He looked at his phone to see that he about an hour left to get there.

"I can't be late! I'll speed things up! Gum-Gum..." He stretched his arms forwards, grabbing onto street lamps.


Izuku flinged himself like a slingshot and towards the location. Ochaco was at the site of the exam, waiting for Izuku, but he wasn't there yet..

"Oh, come on! Where is he? Don't tell me he overslept! Midoriya-kun told me how excited he was for this." Ochaco groaned, seeing that Izuku was nowhere in sight.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh-oof!" Izuku came crashed to the ground, right in front of her.

"There you are! What took you so long!"

"Sowwy, Uraraka." He spoke while his face was in the pavement before getting up. "Let's get inside."

She nods in agreement, but before they could, a certain asshole made himself known.

"Move it, Deku. You and your slut." Katsuki snarled as he made his way to the doors.

"Slut?!" Ochaco said, offended by what he call her.

"Screw you, too, asshole. And don't call her that." Izuku flipped him the bird, which only pissed the latter off even more.

"Anyway, just ignore him."

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