Training With Gran Torino and Dark King Reyleigh

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After being freaked out by Gran Torino's little fake out, Izuku stood in front of the elder Pro who was holding onto a cane.

"Sorry about that... I was carrying a plate of sausages with ketchup, but I tripped and it spilled."

"Seriously?" Izuku questioned mentally.

"The sausages look good, though..." Luffy said as he was looking at the plate of sausages while drool was falling from his mouth.

"Anyway, who are you, sonny?"

"Midoriya D. Izuku."

"Eh? Toshinori?"

"I SAID I'M MIDORIYA D. IZUKU!" Izuku yelled in annoyance while Reyleigh sighed at his friends antics.

"Torino, old pal, I think you should stop with the act. Didn't you tell me that it was important that you needed to help him improve with One For All?"

Izuku's eyes widen from what Reyleigh said as he looked at him before looking back at the old man, who was looking at his case that he placed on the floor.

"Eh, you're right. Now then, kid, fire off a One For All Smash at me." Torino said as he picked up Izuku's jacket and saw it.

"W-What are you doing?" Izuku asked in confused before the elder Pro turned to him.

"Jeez. Is it really hard for you to do what you're asked?" Torino took in a breath of air before he blasted and bounced around the room at blinding speeds. Izuku was in awe while Luffy had his jaw hanging wide.

Nana chuckled at her old friend's actions. "Heh. Always right to the point, eh, Torino?"

Gran Torino then stopped himself as he slammed down on the microwave, effectively smashing it to oblivion before looking at the Green-Haired Rubber Boy. "I can't believe the Ninth User of One For All is such a dunce. That Symbol of Peace is still a zygote after all this time."

"Zygote?" The word reminded him of what his sensei called him and his classmates when the combat training happen.

"Now then! Shall we get started, you zygotes?"

"I saw the way you used One For All. It was unthinkable! And how you went all out with 100% of the power... You're lucky that your body is made of rubber, otherwise you would've not only killed that CP0 agent, but also yourself!"

"Sorry... but it was the only way as the guy was literally trying to kill me." Izuku replied as he remembered how he had to go all out to defeat Lucci.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand, kid. Now, tell me. How much power of One For All can you use?" Gran Torino asked the Green-Haired Rubber Boy.


"Ugh... now I know that oaf is terrible teacher. All right, kid. Get ready, for me and Reyleigh around to put you through three phases of training."

"There phases? What are they?"

Reyleigh held up three fingers as he pointed at his first finger. "The first phase: gaining more control over your One For All. Then the second phase: you will be training to learn Haki. And then the third and final phase: you will be getting to try out both of these abilities."

"Haki? Why am I getting trained on that?"

"Because you happened to unconsciously use it during the Sports Festival. Young Izuku, tell me. Have you ever felt like you were able to feel like you were able to sense an incoming attack, or unknowingly intimidated someone so much that you made them faint?" Reyleigh asked the boy.

Izuku puts a finger on his head as he tries to remember any times he actually used Haki, without even knowing. "Well... there was that time in Junior High, when Katsuki was gonna attack, I suddenly knew that he was going to before he was gonna. Then, there were sometimes I made people faint. I yelled at some perverts that attempted to rape my girlfriend, and they fainted. I intimidate the people at the stadium at the Sports Festival, making them shut up. So that was me actually using Haki, without even realizing it?"

Midoriya D. Izuku! The Reincarnated King of the Pirates!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ