Beyond the Limits of Strength! History's Greatest Villain and Hero

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"Hehehe... Did you really think you won that easily after taking out Kuneida?" A voice spoke to Toru, Aoyama and Fat Gum, who all couldn't move due to strings keeping them from moving.

"Well, too bad you got me." The figured laughed as they were revealed to be Don Quixote Doflamingo. The former Celestial Dragon just chuckled to himself while continuing to hold them prisoner.

The other Heroes, Villains Marines, and Revolutionaries members were also tied up with strings, which came from his Parasite move.

"Even when you noticed me and tried to fight back, you just a tad bit slow. Still, it's great to have some puppets to play with." The Joker of the Underworld chuckled as he continued to play with those he had under his control.

Behind him were the members of his family. Thought, Aina (Baby 5) wasn't with them anymore and she took out Sugar. They were having fun with the rest.

"We couldn't do... anything... We were powerless against him..." Fat Gum muttered while being powerless due to Kuneida having his flesh-eating plants drain him of his fat and power.

"Still... we can't just give up yet. Hope isn't lost..." Toru muttered with a smirk as her invisible eyes looked up into the sky.


Doflamingo looked in surprise and confusion when seeing the familiar blue sphere that circled around them. "This... Gah!"

A sword had stretched and stabbed through his chest. "So it's you... Law!!" The former Warlord screamed when he saw the man in the sky, holding onto his sword that he amplified with his K-Room, allowing it to stretch.

"Shock... Willie!"

The move sent out electricity like a defibrillator, shocking Doflamingo with such volts of lightning. "Doffy!" Trebol shouted as he and the rest tried to aid their young master, but the ground started to shake.

"Takt!" With a lift of his finger, the ground that they stood on lifted up into the air. Pica attempted to strike him down, but Law was faster than him, acting quick as he cut Pica up.

Diamonte attempted to used his Ripple-Ripple Fruit powers to stab him, but Law quickly used Shambles to dodge before slicing him up.

"Counter Shock!" Immediately appearing in front of Machvicr and Lao G, Law activated the move against the two of them, which knocked them both out.

Señor Pink used his Swim-Swim Fruit powers to drag Law with him, but the latter used Amputate to cut his arms and legs off. Gladius attempted to explode his helmet, but Shock Willie prevented him from doing so.

"Now for you... Sterben Blade!" Law quickly appeared in front of Trebol, spun his blade around, making it effectively act like a buzzsaw that cuts him in a vertical motion, defeating him in one motion.

"You fucking brat...!" Doflamingo cursed in anger before touching the rubble on the ground, turning into large pillars of sharp string. "Don't think you can't win! I've beaten you once and I'll do it again!"

"Yeah, you may have beaten me once... but this time it ain't gonna be like what happened in Dressrosa." Law stated before using Shambles to switch places with Tory, who he freed along side Aoyama and Fat Gum.

"Warp Refraction! Say Cheese!" The invisible girl said with a smile as she unleashed a bright beam of light, forcing Doflamingo to look away.

Law was in the air, holding Aoyama, who was charging up his beam ever since he got freed. "Naval Laser... Max Output... Super Nova!"

A giant laser beam fired down onto the Heavenly Demon, burning him as he screamed in pain. Law saw how the attack was essentially burning his skin off.

Eventually, the laser beam turned off as Aoyama had exhausted himself of every ounce of energy he had left. Law quickly warped them to the ground, while the entire Doflamingo family was demolished by them.

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