Enter the Number One Hero of America: Star and Stripe

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"The stakes are higher than ever before now." All For One noted from inside of the cave that he and the others are hiding in. Next to him were the seven Near High-End Nomus that escaped with him.

"Thanks to the escaped inmates chasing havoc, the Heroes, police and Marines are too busy to focus their full efforts on us. Looks like we win out little have of hide-and-seek on this small island nation we inhabit."

"It's still our victory if we escape overseas right?" Spinner asked the Symbol of Evil. "Hmm... My end goals are different." All For One answered his question. "To win in this game of hide-and-seek was naught but the first goal. To get my hands on One For All again... that's the next step."

"That isn't the final thing?"

"I've laid out plans that span lifetimes. And now as we wind down the clock on this grand plan, we are approached by both our greatest hurdle and our greatest opportunity.

You see, I have friends all over the world. Here in the Grand Line of Japan, All Might has suppressed organized almost completely. But overseas, this isn't the case. However, if those people are left unchecked too, it is almost guaranteed that those countries would turn on each other."

"But what do you mean by 'a hurdle' and 'a chance'?" Spinner asked him once more.

"Star and Stripe... The strongest woman in the world. She hails from the home of the Heroes, the Land of the Free, and sits at the zenith of Heroes all around the world. She shrugs off cheep tricks and petty tactics.

If someone like her were to intervene, there's no doubt we would be in trouble... But if I were to get my hand on her Quirk... Well, the rest of the war will be just a formality!!" All For One said while gripping his hands in excitement.

"Unlike Toya-kun and the others, you've acted as my bodyguard so far. But the time has come for you to play your part as well, Iguchi." The Villain said while pointing a finger at him. "Henceforth... you will be helping Tomura Shigaraki out in battle, my dear Spinner.

You were a nobody. Because of your appearance, you were discriminated against your whole life. But can you hear their voices? There are many people, just like you, who support you in secret."

"Although Re-Destro was held back by his conforming ideologies... the embers of liberation are still smoldering!" One of the surviving executives of the Paranormal Liberation Front said as he was with the other executives, who helped him hang up posters with Spinner's face on it, using his face to gain support from other mutants who were discriminated.

"We are support to the Vanguard Action Squad. Because of his ideologies, we serve in Spinner's squadron. Skeptic, who was the only unharmed member, told us to... liberate them all. Round up the remnants and turn the dream of revolution into reality."

"We need a lot of soldiers on foot." Skeptic said as he worked on his computer. "You wanna know the easiest way to recruit tons of people? The former league are a bunch I don't like one bit, but we can't waste the hand we are dealt, especially now!

They just may have been a diamond in the rough; they were personally recognized by Re-Destro after all...! The League of Villaind are true liberators. Whether or not they can actually do it isn't relevant as of now... so worship them! The ones who will make them realize their true potential, will be us! We will be the ones to sow the seeds... to set up Tomura Shigaraki's destruction of the future."

Meanwhile, out in the open, Endeavor flew in the sky while being next to Best Jeanist and Hawks, who were in the car of the Fiber Hero.

"It appears she will be entering our airspace shortly. Contacted Midoriya to tell him about it. As soon as we meet with her, we can begin planning our counter-measures." Hawks said to Best Jeanist, who was driving the vehicle. "It really is reassuring to have her on our side, but... will she be alright...? In a situation like this..."

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