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"Yamada." Aizawa muttered when he turned around to see his friend pop out of the portal that appeared behind them. "That means..."

Just as Kurogiri's eyes appeared, a clone of Rwice came through before ambushing them by making more clones, who began to pin them down, preventing Monoma from using Erasure, along with Aizawa.

Sensing this, Shiga-hito commanded the giant Transfigured Human that was breaking through the tomb to destroy the barrier, which it did.

"A power line was busted!" One of the Support Course Students shouted. "I can't pop in a spare! The corners we cut for this super push job are coming back to bite us!" Power Loader shouted. "What's left is holding up, but output isn't stellar..."

"But what about the barrier?! Mei shouted as she and Melissa were working on the things needed for the fortress to function while to their side where their two sets of triplets were, who they gave birth to a month ago. The six children were on little chairs with spiders legs, which allowed them to follow their mamas around.

"This is Mandalay! We've lost flight control! I repeat, we've lost flight control!"

"Huh?!" Momo questioned when hearing this telepathic message from Shino.

"At last... I'm in! Prepare for your downfall, Heroes!" Skeptic laughed as he continued to hack into the fortress's system and shut it down.

"What's more, the control center island is under attack! And Phantome Thief isn't unable to perform his role! Erasure is no longer active! The deadliest Villain of all is about to be unleashed! Once U.A. falls... all of Japan—no... the entire world... will be destroyed by his hands!"

"Kurogiri... What happened back at Central Hospital...?" Izuku muttered while he and Shiga-Hito were still inside of the Mirror Dimension. He looked back to see something tearing off of the fusion's body. "What's tearing away? Is he shedding skin like a lizard? He's not moving..."

"What if I told you that it's me here now... What wouldja wanna do?" The Villain asked. "Have a small talk while you're strapped down to a chair? Hmm? Ain't happening, Hero. After all, I am your Villain."

"That's Shigaraki's persona!"

"Naturally, U.A.'s system was doomed to fall to my skills." Skeptic muttered as he continued to do his work. "Even their subterranean evacuation system is putty in my hands now! The ignorant masses and Heroes who cling to the old ways will perish in the name of liberation! Ha-hahahaha!"

"Dammit... If the school comes crashing down, Momo, Mei, Melissa and the others are gonna die. I've gotta do something about this! But I try to leave, these two will probably follow me. Fuck, it's too much pressure..."

"Calm yourself, Ninth." Kudo stated as he appeared behind Izuku. "There's a silver lining to this dark cloud. All For One is having serious problems keeping those identities unified. Those of us within One For All resonate with All For One, so we can peer into each other's inner workings. At the moment, it's seems he's in no position... to manipulate the flesh he's possessing. The chain of events leading to this moment will be your power."

"Found ya!" A voice said as Skeptic turned to see one of the computer monitors showing the silhouette of a short girl.


"It took a while, but you finally showed yourself! Hunting you down was no walk in the park!" The female spoke as in the headquarters of the Police Station, working fast on her laptop while being next to Tsukauchi was former partner of Gentle Criminal, La Brava, AKA Manami Aiba. "But nuffin's too much for me! Cuz this is all for Gentle's sake!"

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