Straw Hat Deku & Fire Fist Spade vs. Blackbeard

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Back on the ruins of the battlefield, just before the next battle had started, the news crew had finally managed to fix their camera as they started to get the live footage up again.

"It is fixed? Are we airing this?" He asked.

"Almost... there! It's fixed and airing live!" His cameraman said as he saw the monitor on the camera saying, 'live' and also 'rec' for recording.

In the main city of Kamino Ward, civilians were panicking while the authorities were trying to evacuate them.

Just then, the big screen TV showcasing the news cut back to the live footage, making them calm again as they looked.

"What the?"

"It's...back on air?"

"Is this on the air? Are we live?" The news anchor asked, which his cameraman nodded.

"Good." His attention turned to the camera as he had a serious expression. "To the people on the island of Kamino Ward... about a couple minutes ago, you and I have felt a strong tremor that just happened. Well, me and my crew are here on the scene, and we have the answer as for what caused it."

Everyone watching it listened in from their homes or couches.

Nezu, the staff and the Straw Hats watched from U.A., inside of the staff room after the confrontation happened.

"As you can see behind me, the Heroes who fought along side All Might and the U.A. student, Midoriya D. Izuku, are unconscious from the shockwave. Later, it was revealed that the shockwave came from none other than the man who killed Straw Hat Luffy all those years ago and never made an appearance again."

The Straw Hats, Yamato, Uta, and Hancock looked at each other, wondering if the same thing.

"Oi... you don't think...?" Usopp questioned, but didn't finished it out of fear.

"It couldn't be... It's impossible..." Nami said.

"It came from the pirate and Yonko, Blackbeard, who has appeared on the battlefield!" The camera turned to reveal Blackbeard as he was in front of Izuku and Ace.

Everyone was in shock before he started to speak up again. "This fight between them may include Kamino being destroyed! If anyone is on this island, leave the place! Evacuate! We don't know how many lives will get involved with this mess!"

People started to panic while officers had tried to keep them calm, but it was no use.

"Please remain calm! Evacuate calmly!" An officer shouted but by the time it was no use.

"Damn it... this is going nowhere. People are panicking left and right." Tsukauchi muttered before one of his men, Sansa, came towards him.

"Sir! I gotten a report that a Marine battleship is coming this way!"

"What? Well- How long until they arrive here?"

"They'll arrive in about an hour, sir!"

Tsukauchi gritted his teeth. His friend wished that no Marines would join the battle as Akainu would see a chance to imprison Izuku for whatever reason. Now they were coming for him.

Back on the battlefield, the leftover fire from Ace's attack spread while the two brothers stared down their greatest enemy—the man who sentenced them to death in their past lives, Blackbeard.

"Zehahahaha! Now then..." Darkness emitted from his body before quickly spreading across the battlefield. "Die in darkness!"

"I don't think so!" Izuku rebarked, costing his arms in his Haki before charging in.

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