Back Home and Confession from a Periwrinkle Senpai (Short Chapter)

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"Waaaaaah! Izzy, you're back!" Pony cried as she and Setsuna hugged onto their boyfriend while tears stained his shirt.

"I missed you, ya know...?" The green-haired girl said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Pony. Setsuna. I'm back." He said as he tried to comfort them.

A couple of hours ago, news spread around campus of Izuku's return, and upon hearing this, the rest of his girlfriends came to meet him. And so the list of people who greeted him went like this.

Vivi and Rebecca were glad to see him, Uta hugged the crap out of him while also peppering him in kisses.

Kyoka was finally calm upon seeing her boyfriend again, Camie kissed him while also asking for cuddles. Itsuka used Moonwalk to bounce off the air in order to make it to the 1-A Dorms, where upon seeing him, she instantly tackled him into a hug. She was glad to see him again. And then Yui was just her calm self, but when she hugged him, Izuku noticed that frown on her face, so that was a sign to tell him that she was sad with his absence/kidnapping.

Lastly, Shirahoshi hugged the boy, but her definition of hugging was more like grabbing the boy with her hands and rub him by the side of her cheek, just like how Sandersonia did with Hancock.

Speaking of the Amazonian, Hancock was told by Margaret and Aphelandra that they wanted to stay just to be with Izuku, and they allowed it. And just like them, Carrot decided to stay to be with the boy and her friends.

However, when this got word to the Big Three, he was surprised to see a visit by Nejire, who was glad to see the boy and tackled him into a hug, and that's when he felt it. A tear dropped from her eye.

"I wonder what was wrong with her... Maybe she was upset by my kidnapping like the others?"

Right now, he focused on comforting his girlfriends as they relaxed on his bed in his and his girlfriend's dorm.

"Anyways, I think we should get some sleep. Don't you think you have to go back to your dorms?"

"No~! I want to stay here!" Pony whined before using puppy eyes for her boyfriend, which Setsuna combined with.

"Please, please, please! Let us stay here with you, Izzy!/Zuku!"

Izuku looked at the two of them before sighing in defeat. "Alright, you two can sleep here."

"May I sleep with you as well?" Yui asked as she got close to his face while Itsuka hugged him from behind.

"Yeah, you can sleep here as well, Yui. You can stay here if you want, Itsuka."

"Thanks." The orange-haired girl said with a smile before they all gathered around him before falling asleep, since tomorrow was a new day.

Nejire Hado bounced along the halls of U.A. with a smile on her face while walking along side her two best buds, Mirio and Tamaki.

Her friends noticed that she was acting a lot of more happy than she usually did on a regular basis. And it all happened right after Izuku came back from being captured and locked by the Navy, which was a point. Ever since his kidnapping, she was in a bit down in the dumps.

"Hey, Mirio... you notice the way how Hado is being, right?" The Manifest Quirk user said to his friend.

"Yeah, and it was all because of Midoriya coming back..." He replied. They the. thinking for a while until an thought came to their heads, something that made Tamaki unsure while Mirio just smiled.

They then walked over to their periwrinkle teammate. "Hey, Nejire!" He said, gaining the girl's attention as she smiled at her friends.

"What's up, Togata? Amajiki?"

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