A Duel Between Swordmen! Zoro vs. Mihawk: Round Two

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(A/N: I'm putting this here to let you guys know about the next story that I'm writing after Midoriya D. Izuku. I posted it on my Wattpad backup and my Ao3 account, so I'll comment the links here for you guys to check it out.

Also, sorry if this fight isn't what the hype would make it seem to believe it is. I just wanted to pump another chapter out.)

At the dorms, which was somehow not destroyed from the battle back in the second war, Class A watched as a helicopter was reporting the Second War of the Best.

"As you can see here, U.A. University student, Midoriya D. Izuku, is currently engaging in battle with the Five Gorosei, along with another person that's dressed in all black. We have no idea who this person is, but they could be some sort of demonic entity, because just like the Gorosei, no matter how many attacks Midoriya lands, he just keeps on regenerating!" The female news reporter said while revealing Imu's existence to the world.

The news report was being watched by the girls of Class 1-A, 1-B, Nejire, the Princess, Aina (Baby 5), Mitsuki, Rei, Fuyumi, Rumi, Eri and the rest of their children.

"Who is that person that Luffy-sama is fighting?" Shirahoshi questioned with a hint of nervousness. Her baby sensed that their mother was worried, so it grabbed her attention by kicking.

"I have no idea." Vivi answered while having this sense of fear when seeing the figure fight the shadow clone of her boyfriend and father to their children.

"Whoever they are, they must be important to the Gorosei." Momo noted while having Eri sit on her lap before taking notice of Imu's form and the demonic circles surrounding him. "They must have some sort of demonic powers, considering those circles with the symbols."

"Does that mean this guy that our hunk is fighting is, like, totes Satan or somethin'?" Camie asked while Horie was to her right, breastfeeding one of her babies, as this was her first time doing so.

"We don't know, yet we can't rule that out. We just have to pray that he can be taken down." Itsuka said while having Velvet on her head.

Back on the battlefield, Izuku bounced his way back up onto the deck of Blackbeard's ship. He turned back to see the pirate, who was badly injured since their fight in Kamino.

"What? Looking for another beat down?"

"Zehahahaha! This won't be like last time, Straw Hat. For today, I, Marshall D. Teech, shall be— GAAAAAAH!"

Izuku used the Comedian Cursed Technique to manifest an anvil that weighted ten tons, crushing Blackbeard and plunge him straight through the ship and into the water below.


"Quick! We gotta get him out!"

"Sorry..." When they turned back, the members of Blackbeard's fleet became horrified when seeing Izuku use the Ten Shadows to summon a giant elephant, which was a combination of Max Elephant and Orochi. "But I don't have time to deal with fodder opponents."

They all screamed as the giant Max Elephant crushed the ship, with Izuku landing on a platform made out of mystic energy from his Mystric Arts.

"I have to get back to the others. Let's make more Shikigami to help people out." He thought before using the shadows to make a bunch of rabbits. "Rabbit Escape!"

The loads of rabbits kept on coming, overflowing the area as people were being separated. "Oi, oi, Luffy! Stop it!" Usopp begged as the lots rabbits shook up the Sunny.

As they overwhelmed the army of Marine soldiers, some of the bunnies started to square up, kicking the crap out of the Marines. They even managed to overwhelm Sengoku, who was having trouble since they gave Garp an opportunity to punch the absolute shot out of his former partner.

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