News of the School Festival! A Little Visit to Eri

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Before the students of U.A. University knew it, September was over, and they rolled right next into October. As that happened, any traces of summer vanished completely, and the temperature started to change.

The four students who participated in the raid since they were work study students, which was Izuku, Ochaco, Kirishima and Tsuyu, went with Aizawa and the Big Three to attend Nighteye's funeral. They witnessed the man's coffin being lowered next to the same one that contained the dead body of the Symbol of Peace.

Discussions were held between the school and Hero agencies about the work studies, and it was decided that they would wait and see what to do next.

Nighteye's sidekick, Centipeder, took over Nighteye's agency, and they gladly awaited Mirio's return. Meanwhile, Eri had finally broke through her fever and woke up. But although she regained consciousness and she was still unstable emotionally, along with the fact that her Quirk could go out of control at any time, visitors weren't allowed to see her.

But, the horn on Eri's forehead that released her rewinding Quirk shrank down in size as her fever went down, and was now the size of a bump.

Now it was the day after tomorrow, and after a series of events that led to Izuku forming a friendship with Aoyama, everything seemed like it was back to normal.

"Hey, guys! Check this out!" Mina called to her classmates before she jumped down and caught herself, then proceeded to break danced on the ground. "Breaking, breaking!"

"Pow, pow! Pow, pow!" Sero and Hagakure chanted simultaneously as they watched the girl breakdance on the ground.

"Dancing is her hobby, huh?" Aoyama asked while he watched the scene.

"Well, Ashido was able to fight well because of her dancing. She showed that off during your match at the Sports Festival." Izuku commented, which made Aoyama grimace in misery.

"Not just there. During our first combat training, I'll never forget how she burned through my cape. And then, as you mentioned... my pants and belt got melted at the Sports Festival. I'll never forget that, either."

"She put you through some misery, didn't she?" He said. "But how did she get this good?"

"According to some the lower classmen at the school we went to back," Kirishima said, joining the conversation. "Apparently, Ashido's been doing this since she was a kid, and managed to learn some great dance moves."

"That's right." Mina said as she got back up. "I started with a two-step technique. Step forward and back, left and right, and swing both arms... and then...!"

She got down on the ground and proceeded to breakdance one more. "I was able to do this!"

"Sato's baking is similar, too—" Denki stated. "It's nice to be able to apply your hobbies to Hero work. Makes you strong! Speaking of hobbies, you have one, don't you, Jirou? You know, your stuff you have at the dorm—"

He was cut off when Kyoka aimed her earphone jack for his eye, but stopped when it was inches away from poking his eye.

"Seriously, Kaminari, cut it out." The girl said, a bit flustered as her jack reeled back to her.

"Jeez. What's up with her?"

"She's just a bit embarrassed, Kaminari." Momo answered his question. "Kyoka never lets out that fact that she can play music. Especially she the only person plays for was darling and us whenever-"

"AHH! YAO-MOMO STOP IT!" The purple punk girl appeared in front of her harem sister, face completely red while she was trying to get her to stop speaking of the topic. Izuku had to hold her back from attacking her, though.

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