World Heroes' Mission

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In a dark, dimly lit room, a statue of a small baby with glowing light surrounded it stood in the center of the room.

"Why were the meta powers, so called 'Quirks' introduced to the human race in the past?" A man asked as he stepped forward. Spears were aimed directly at the statue of the baby, almost as if the people in the room were blaming the child.

"Why was the first metahuman, the Shining Baby, born into this world? It's all a tragedy. Quirks are not a blessing for humanity, but the beginning of the end." The man said to his loyal followers before he held up a book labeled as the 'Quirk Doomsday Theory'.

"As it is written in the 'Quirk Doomsday Theory', as the generations pass, Quirks mix and evolve until eventually, none can control them anymore. In these times, where 80% of humanity is sick with Quirks, the remaining 20% who are still pure humans will also have relations with Quirk holders, decreasing their numbers.

Devil Fruits are no exception either. For they aid Quirks in spreading the disease ever since they were found to be able to merge with the Quirk factor, granting the user more strength. But it makes them more infected... Extinction is in front of our eyes. We, Humarise... must take action now! Even if it means to dye the Earth in blood. For humanity's salvation."

"For humanity's salvation!" The crowd cheers as they kept on repeating the chant. In the background of all of this, one of the members panics as he runs away. He removes his mask to reveal his face that has an eyepatch and brown hair while he keeps on running.

"Now, let us begin." The leader said before pressing a button on a device, which began to glow. A machine underground their facility began to work as it lit up.

A large mechanical box lit up as it was in sync with the machine before it unleashed a green gas. The lids of underground sewers blasted up into the air as the gas was unleashed up onto the surface.

People tried to run from it, but the gas engulfed them. When they breathed in the gas, it began to activate their Quirks before they died due to how the drug in the gas overpowered their Quirks, essentially killing them.

Some of the Quirks that were forcibly activated caused damage that couldn't be contained. One woman's telekinesis Quirks got out of control that she made her co-workers fly into the air with the debris.

A random Hero with a laser Quirk breathed in the stuff before lasers came out through multiple directions of his body, cutting buildings and injuring people as it was chaos.

The leader outstretched his arms to the cameras that showed these horrific events that played out in front of them.

A Quirkless man, who was unaffected by the gas, breathed heavily as hundreds of bodies laid beside him. "You there. You don't have a Quirk, right?" A female member of Humarise asked as the man became afraid.

"Congratulations." She thanked him before taking off her mask and showing her face. "You have been saved." The man breathed heavily as the fear and shock flooded his mind.

Air crafts flew through the air as they carried a bunch of Heroes on board. This was after what happened. "The group claiming responsibility for the terrorist atrack the other day is Humarise." A voice answer through their com system. It came from the main leader of the World Heroes Association.

"It's an ideological group founded by Flect Turn; their leader, who advocates for humanity's salvation. The device used in the attack has been conjured to strengthen the Quirk factor triggering substance, Ideotrigger. The device will hereafter be called the 'Trigger Bomb'. The mission of our all-star Hero team is to search all 25 Humanrise's branches all over the world at once.

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