League of Villains vs. U.A. Students

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Tremors shook out as Gigantomachia continued to run towards his destination, which that would be Shigaraki. On his leg was Yu, who was using all of her strength to keep slowing him down, although she was bleeding on the head a bit.

"We will confront the invading Villain here." Momo said to the others while Setsuna kept watch with her head floating in the air. "From Tentacole's observations, the Villain looks to be about 25 meters tall. The blues flames that were visible from the Villain's back earlier looked like they were the same as those of the man who attacked Aizawa-sensei during the summer training camp. In other words, those from the League of Villains are riding on the back of the large Villain.

According to Midnight, the only way to stop the large Villain is to put him to sleep. Normally, a liquid would be injected, but at that size, you would need about 30 liters. In addition to his size, he is also extremely active. Considering that there will not be an opening to inject him, I would like to attempt oral administration."

After Momo said that, she held out the jar that contained the anesthetic drug. "This jar contains an effective dose of undiluted solution."

"If anyone can get one of these into his mouth..."

"He'll go to sleep, right?" Tetsutetsu asked as he finished Itsuka's sentence, in which Momo nodded. "We'll make a quick trap, and stop that large Villain in his tracks!"

Honenuki used his Quirk to soften the ground. "If he's about 25 meters tall, then it should be about this wide." He said, seeing the large amount of ground that he softened up."

Camie and Mina threw a bunch of rope with a very sticky substance on it into the softened ground. "Hey, Mina girl. You think Nemuri's gonna be totes fine back there?" She asked her harem sister while continuing to making the rope sink into the softened ground.

"Considering that not a lot of the enemies can hurt her, I think she'll be fine." The pink girl replied before looking at her fawn-haired harem sister with a smile. "Our sister will be back to teaching us when this is all over."

Momo created some bombs from her chest as they sank into the soft ground while feeling the tremors Gigantomachia caused from his rampage. "Just in case, I'll save some lipids... No, this isn't the time to hold back, Momo."

"Hey, get back! Hurry!" Setsuna shouted to them all as her head was split with her mouth being near her friends to tell them how far Gigantomachia was as she saw him. "He's here! Right in front of me!"

"He's not stopping at all!" Yu shouted while continuing to hold. "Ugh, I can't believe this is all I can do right now!!"

Spinner looked down at her before at Compress. "That huge Hero—Can we get rid of her?" He asked him. "How?! We can't do it under these conditions!"

Gigantomachia roared as he tore through the forest. "He's here!" Sero shouted just when everyone saw the face of the walking disaster. "He's heading in the right direction!" Setsuna yelled out.

"Exactly where we want him!" Kyoka replied when Gigantomachia's foot entered the soft ground, causing him to fall. When the League was about to be sent flying, a sticky chain grabbed them all before placing them back. Spinner turned to see the two last remaining members of the Doflamingo Family since they managed avoid getting arrested: Trebol and Diamonte, who were on the giant's back as well.

"Trebol! Diamonte! How are you guys here?"

"Just before this walking disaster exited the underground assembly hall, we managed to get on his back first and foremost." Diamonte responded as Trebol held everyone down with his mucus.

They then gritted their teeth when Gigantomachia fell to the ground, for he faced the work study students. "He's in the trap!" Momo shouted as Sato, Itsuka and Shishida grabbed the rope that sticked to his next.

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