Taking Down The Vanguard Action Squad

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"Will they really be all right by themselves?" Kurogiri asked while cleaning a glass cup as Doflamingo and Shigaraki were in front of them.

"Yeah. It's not our turn to be on stage right now." The hand Villain stated.

"With the executives of my family, they should be fine. In face, they should be grateful since they can push away the Minks from helping those Heroes and capture the targets." Doflamingo said, looking at the pictures of their two targets: Izuku and Katsuki.

"They're enough by themselves. In other words, the game has changed. Up until now, it was a role-playing game where we had all the equipment but challenged the last boss while still at level 1." Shigaraki stated, demonstrating how they lost the first time against the Heroes as a game.

Doflamingo chuckled for a moment. "It's impressive as to how you thought of things like a video game. Planning a strategy out like that."

"Yeah. I should've thought of it as a simulation game. I should be the player, using all the pieces I can to break through the higher ranks. In order to do that, I need to first put cracks into the superhuman society. The Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains. It doesn't matter if those guys succeed or fail. Just the fact that they are there will scare the Heroes."

"Are they just sacrificial pawns?" The Warp Gate Villain asked, wondering if the group was meant to be sacrificed in order to complete their goal.

"Don't be ridiculous. Do I look that heartless? Their strength is real. Even though they're all facing different directions, they're comrades I can count on. In a society bound by rules, we're not the only ones being oppressed." He says, pulling up two pictures of Izuku and Katsuki.

"I'm praying for their success."

Back at the sight of Kota's hideout, the smoke slowly started to clear away, showing Muscular was down for the count, for he was on the ground, battered and unconscious.

Izuku panted as he breathed heavily, feeling very tired from going all out because of his Gomu Gomu no Jet Gatling Smash and Red Hawk Smash.

Kota was still in shock of the teenager's victory over the Villain. Izuku then gave into the pain, collapsing to the ground.

"Hey!" Kota got up and rushed to his side. "Are you okay?"

"I'm... I'm fine." He replied, with the Hikage's Restore already doing its thing and started to heal his body from the injuries. "I just... need to lay for a little while. Once I'm recovered, I need to get back up. There's something I need to do."

"You're all beat up! What do you still have to do?" The child argued, wondering what he possibly needed to do while he was beaten up badly from his fight against his parent's killer.

"I knew that he was gonna block it, so Inhad no other choice. I had to attack. But he was way stronger than I thought he was."

He looked to see that the forest on the elephant's back was still lit in flames.

"If all the Villains from this night attack are this strong, then everyone is in danger. And with those extra people that were backing them up... it's no surprise. They got the help of Donquixote Doflamingo. On top of that, they might be after us students. I have to let Mr. Aizawa and the Pussycats know about that." Restore finished its job at healing his body, and not a lot of scars were left.

"We'll leave this Villain here for now. I doubt he'll wake up anytime soon from that last attack of mine." He said before looking at the child. "Above all, right now, I need to protect you."

"Huh?" There's something that only you can do." They looked towards the burning forest. "The forest has been set on fire, and the flames have been hurting the elephant. With that, not only will people be trapped, but the elephant, Zunesha, will die from the fire burning him. Do you understand? We need that Quirk of yours."

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