Clash of Class Rivals! Class A vs. B

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"Huh... This is different." Izuku said to himself as he was now in the void of One For All. However, something was different that he saw: the vestiges of the past users weren't there.

"Come with me." He heard someone speak aloud. Izuku turned around in shock to see a younger adult All For One. In front of them, struggling to stand on their own feet was Yoichi. "Dear, foolish little brother. Why do you resist?"

"That's... All For One! I can never forget it!"

"Because you're wrong!" Yoichi shouted. "Because I can't allow you to do what you want to do, Big Brother!"

"The first..."

"That's a mean thing to say. I'm trying to compromise here. Is tolerance not part of your 'justice'?" All For One asked.

"Right now, the world's in chaos. Meta powers should not be used to further your own self-interest. You're only thinking about gratifying yourself!"

"I can't believe I didn't notice... Is the past being reenacted before me...?" The boy questioned. All For One turned around behind him, raising a hand. "Come..."

From the void, two people appeared. One was a man with peach-colored hair but had a different jaw line. Next to him was a normal bald man with no 'meta ability' of his own, rendering him powerless.

"This man's jaw was transformed. It seemed like fangs won't stop growing. He's a king man who takes care of his elderly parents. However, he was persecuted and been called 'monster' and 'sick', and even his parents stay away from him.

This man, on the other hand, has no meta power. On his way home from work one evening, he was attacked by a gang of metas. The stun gun he depended kn was rendered useless, and he was trapped by tentacle-like hair."

"No...! You won't be able to go back!" Yoichi screamed but he dropped to the ground as he started coughing violently due to his sick body.

All For One turned around to face the two men. "Please." "Hurry." They begged as the man put his hands on them. Grinning with glee, All For One took the man's jaw meta ability, giving him a normal human jaw while the bald man was given a Quirk that allowed his bones to become sharp as spears.

Yoichi watched in horror of what happened. "If I'm ever in trouble, will you help me?" He asked the two men. "Of course!" The man with his jaw turned to a normal one said with joy before touching his face. "Oh, Mom... Dad...!"

"I will, too." The bald man said as he looked the sharp spears coming out of his body. "I will never forget this deal of ours."

"What is this 'world' you speak of, little brother?" All For One asked Yoichi. "I see people and use my power for their sake."

"You're equivocating. You just added two lackeys to your collection." His answer made All For One put a finger to his lips. "I need people I can depend on. By rejecting me, you also reject their happiness. In this world, which has lost the human form, ever since the Ancient Kingdom vanished and these so-called 'Devil Fruits', O can bring order with my power. Which one of us is really working in self-interest?"

"What kind of order is it if you're just taking advantage of people?! You probably don't even remember how many people you've toyed with and then abandoned!" Yoichi shouted as he tried to charge, but a masked man came in and tackled him to the ground.

"I won't allow you to insult the boss like that!" The masked man shouted as he put a hand on Yoichi to keep him down. "Oh, be careful there. My brother is frail. Poor thing, born without any meta powers... Without power, you can't reason with anyone. Even so, I love you, pitiful little brother... You're my only family."

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