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Picking up the cotton ball that was dipped in rubbing alcohol, she gently pressed it against the cuts on her arm

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Picking up the cotton ball that was dipped in rubbing alcohol, she gently pressed it against the cuts on her arm. Letting out a large hiss as the rubbing alcohol hit the cut that hadn't healed yet. Blinking away the tears, Isabella carried on gently wiping away the blood, finding it harder by the second to keep her tears at bay. Slowly, she started feeling her skin knitting back together, she watched as her skin started knitting itself back together. It wasn't hurting as much as it was before, but Isabella felt the pain still being dull on her arm. Picking up another cotton ball she started whipping away the blood that was on her arm, making it seem like she was never once in a fight.


Just as Isabella had said, Jenifer Blake walked into her classroom when she heard a door shutting in the school. It was as if she knew exactly what Mrs Blake would do and gave Derek the correct instructions on everything that he needed to do. What the two didn't know was Mrs Blake was going to grab something as if she was going to attack Derek.

Jenifer turned around and let out a shocked scream as she saw Derek standing in her classroom.

"What do you want?" Jenifer questioned, her hands gripped the metre ruler as she held it against her shoulder "You gonna threaten me? Tell me that no one's gonna believe me? Try to scare me?" She carried on asking so many questions, and Derek's face never once changed expression "Kill me?"

"I was gonna see if you were okay" Derek said, taking a step closer towards Jenifer "Belle was worried about her English teacher"

"Physically or emotionally?" Jenifer asked, trying to compose herself at the fact Derek was standing in front of her asking if she was okay "Although, I guess the presupposes that I was emotionally okay before any of this. And according to my therapist, that's been debatable for a long time"

Derek chuckled slightly at the small little piece of information he got from the teacher, feeling as if there was something else hidden beneath her words. If anything Jenifer holding the metre ruler as if she was holding it as a weapon was making him wonder if she saw him as a threat. After last night, and what she saw, Isabella just wanted to make sure she was okay and that she wasn't going to tell anyone what she saw. It was the whole reason why she asked Derek to go, because nobody could say no to Derek when he was asking questions.

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