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Movie Part Five

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Movie Part Five


She's Alive

At the school, all the Lacrosse players were walking down the corridor all ready to play the game tonight

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At the school, all the Lacrosse players were walking down the corridor all ready to play the game tonight. At the bottom of the corridor, Coach was doing his usual speech, shouting at the team members about how they were definitely going to win this game and a new trophy was going to be in the cabinet standing and shining proudly. After all Coach's good players grew up, he hadn't won many games since and now his sole dream was to win at least one game so a new trophie could be added to the others he housed.

Behind all the other team members, stumbling because of the weight, Eli was trying to keep up with the rest of the team. He had his Lacrosse bag slumped over his shoulder holding it up by his hand, his jacket hanging by one of his fingers since it was meant to be in his bag but he didn't have time to shove it in there. On top of all that, Eli had his Lacrosse stick that was in desperate need of re-lacing but there was one problem, Eli always struggled to lace it, which is why he got Isabella to do it most of the time. However, when he snuck out today he completely forgot to ask and now he was gonna either have to try and do it himself or find his mom quickly. Turning the corner, Eli was so focused on making sure that he didn't drop anything that he bumped into Noah.

"Oh, it's just you" Eli said, breathing out a sigh of releaf because it wasn't one of his parents, which at first he thought it was.

"Just me" Noah replied, "But I'm here, with them"

From around the corner where the stairs were, Isabella and Derek came out both having different reactions.

"We'll talk later" Derek said, brushing off the fact that Eli had snuck out.

"We just came to watch you play, Little Wolf" Isabella said, "Just like we promised"

"Well, prepare to be disappointed, cause if you didn't notice I never play" Eli said, a slight break in his voice, because if there was one thing Eli ever wanted to do it was play in a game.

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