A New Beginning (One Direction Adoption FF)

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About the author;

Hello, my name is Mackenzie! As you can see, I love One Direction. This is my first story so I hope you enjoy it!

I've been reading Fanfics on Wattpad for almost a year. Ever since I first started, I've been interested in starting my own. I had a lot of time to think and I've finally made up my mind.

My favorite sports are Softball and Volleyball. I haven't actually played on a volleyball team but I have played on a softball team.

I am obsessed with music. I can't go one day, perhaps even one hour without it. It keeps me going during the day. My favorite kind of music is pop. But occasionally I listen to country.

I try my absolute hardest to be kind to everyone. So if you don't hate on my idols, friends, family, opinions, likes, or dislikes I'm pretty sure we can get along.

This story isn't your typical adoption fanfic. I wanted to make this unique so that's what I am doing. Yes, it will have similarities with some other fanfics but there is going to be a lot of differences. By the way, I'm gonna try and make each chapter long because who likes short chapters? ;) If you read this story, thank you so much. It means a lot to me. I've always loved writing and I hope you enjoy it too.

By the way;

Please! PLEASE! IM BEGGING YOU! Do not take my ideas and use them as your own! Please do not take my story completely and call it your own. That's all I ask. If the reason you steal fanfics is because you have no ideas, I AM HERE TO HELP YOU! I have SOOO many ideas for other fanfics too! I'd be glad to share one or two with you.

And finally, I just wanted to put out there that I'm a friend. I'm a friend to anyone & everyone. If you ever need someone to talk to tweet me(twitter name is below)! I, myself have felt lonely, been bullied, etc. I would love to help anyone out there in need. I love you.

Twitter; @_beaniezayn

Thanks again! Love you all.

-Mackenzie :) xoxo

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